Present: Stephen Burke, Steve Traylen, Jens Jensen, Greig Cowan, Graeme Stewart, Dave Colling, Pete Gronbech. Activities: Steve Burke - All hands poster and catching up from August. Steve Traylen - Last week but one. Jens Jensen - SRM meeting at CERN last week - New bits of Glue to publish more information out of SRM. Being led by Jens. Steve B and Graeme are intrested and Jens will pass on details. Lots of dicussion of lifetimes, permanent, durable. Debate of SRM 3 produced little consensus. New draft of SRMv3 is expected. RAL Castor, will provide 3 SRMs as endpoints. Greig Cowan - Increased hardware in DPM deployment. Graeme - Cluster now installed. Was given 64bit version of SL3 . Also testing if DPM and SL4 works. Definetly not in 64 bit mode. Durham gone down twice the last two weekends. Reporting the high load on CE. Edinburgh still being flooded by large number of jobs. Steve T - Submitted this week to the MB via John Gordon. CERN also reporting the same problem. Jamie Trying to set up the reference site. Dave C Spent most of the week on CMS, 100MB transfer from Imperial to IN2P3. peak at 800Mb/s but had sustained 80MB for a few hours was achieved. Jens - CASTOR has some problems implementing tape0disk1 that CMS requested. To be discussed at Thursday CMS meeting. T2 Transfer Tests: Birmingham was not verified at 300 Mbit/s. Edin and Glasgow were okay. Fast at first but then a slow down. (Yves had suggested out of this meeting this may be a traffic shaping thing). Jeremy to follow up with Robin Tasker. No obvious candidates left, Imperial busy with phedex, Lancastor connected at 100 Mbit/s. Oxford have been approched and Pete is happy, will be tested today and tomorrow. QM contacted waiting on results, follow up with Dave. Dave keen to stress test to poolfs. Shef, Man, Liverpool contacted, no response. Action List: Report to list on CMS monitoring list - ongoing. Not sure what it is, maybe the heartbeat monitor but needs clarification. Check never ending jobs for metric of failed jobs. Will be looked into with Dave and Gidon during or after All Hands. Close one on versioning from SFT. It is no longer really relavent. Dies with SAME anyway. Invent formula for sites to calculate required band width - some discussion done but needs some conclusion and figures from the user board. Close one on memory limits for torque , Olivier and Steve. Meeting with T2 people , Jeremy, Jamie - Completed. AOB: Security update to *proxy-init. Message will be reposted the tb-support list.