Aug 3 – 10, 2016
Chicago IL USA
US/Central timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Particle Astrophysics with the ANITA Long Duration Balloon Payload (20' + 5')

Aug 5, 2016, 1:10 PM
Chicago 8

Chicago 8

Sheraton Grand Chicago 301 East Water Street Chicago IL 60611 USA
Oral Presentation Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology Joint Neutrino Physics & Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology


Dr Cosmin Deaconu (UChicago/ KICP)


The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) payload has now completed its third flight, and is preparing for a fourth flight later this year. ANITA is sensitive to impulsive radio emission from the Askaryan effect in neutrino-initiated cascades within the Antarctic ice sheet, and to geomagnetically-induced radio pulses from cosmic-ray initiated air showers. We report on results from ongoing analysis of data from the three prior flights, and plans for the next flight later this year.

Presentation materials