Software and Computing R&D Working Meeting
Monday 14 September 2015 -
Monday 14 September 2015
CRAYFIS - crowd-sourced cosmic ray detection with smartphones
Chase Owen Shimmin
University of California Irvine (US)
CRAYFIS - crowd-sourced cosmic ray detection with smartphones
Chase Owen Shimmin
University of California Irvine (US)
17:30 - 18:00
Room: 40/R-B10
ARM64/AArch64 for Scientific Computing at the CERN CMS Particle Detector (prep Linaro Connect '15)
David Abdurachmanov
Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)
ARM64/AArch64 for Scientific Computing at the CERN CMS Particle Detector (prep Linaro Connect '15)
David Abdurachmanov
Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)
18:00 - 18:30
Room: 40/R-B10