3–7 Nov 2015
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Coopetition on universities and scientific institutions

6 Nov 2015, 10:15


Olga Sobolewska (Warsaw University of Technology)


Modern organizations, both business and scientific institutions are facing challenges of a competitive market. Taking actions of competition is not characteristic only for business organizations. Increasingly it also applies to research units. Universities and scientific organizations understand that their strengths and long-term development (including their competitive, market position) depends on the willingness and desire to cooperate. We are noticing here a classic coopetence relationships, that is understood as undertaking joint actions by competing units. The article presents the groups of factors particularly relevant to action of cooperation between universities. Additionally here will be indicated the factors that distinguish the scientific institutions from business units. These differences indicate the specific of scientific institution’s functioning. It also underlines the necessity to create other, tailored to the needs of academic institutions, models of management and creating their relationship with the environment.

Primary author

Olga Sobolewska (Warsaw University of Technology)

Presentation materials