In-beam spectroscopy of unstable nuclei from MINOS at the RIBF
The spectroscopy of very neutron-rich nuclei often requires luminosities which are di?fficult to reach. The Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory of RIKEN is today leader in producing neutron-rich nuclei. A new device called MINOS has been built recently at CEA Saclay to optimize the luminosity for hydrogen-induced knockout reactions at intermediate incident energies. MINOS is composed of a thick liquid cylindrical hydrogen target ranging from 50 to 200 mm to increase the luminosity and surrounded by an annular Time Projection Chamber (TPC) equipped with a Micromegas pad detection plane to track recoiled protons from (p; 2p) like reactions and reconstruct the vertex position. Since 2014, the MINOS device is being used at the RIBF, RIKEN. In this seminar, the MINOS device and its performances will be shortly presented. Recent results and the intended physics program will be described.