OP,FILE 22,3,1 74Zn196Pt_px.out 14,3,1 dum.14 15,3,1 dum.15 17,3,1 dum.17 18,3,1 dum.18 12,3,1 74Zn.me 8,3,1 miniball.f8 9,3,1 miniball.f9 3,3,1 74zn.yie 4,3,1 74zn.cor 7,3,1 74zn.map 23,3,1 74zn.raw 13,3,1 cnor.dat 11,3,2 crf.dat 0,0,0 OP,TITL Beam Excitation 74Zn OP,GOSI LEVE 1, 1, 0., 0. 0,0,0,0 ME 2,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0 EXPT CONT LCK, 0,0 SPL,1. PRT, 2,0 3,1 4,0 7,0 8,1 12,0 13,1 14,0 16,1 18,1 19,0 0,0 END, OP,YIEL 0 , ! energies and number of multipolarities ! energy meshpoints ! multipolarity ! conversion coeff. for given multipolarity 23 ! number of detectors per experiment 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 144.25, 117.60, 114.78, 32.37, 58.57, 64.20, 71.91, 10.54, 39.13, 109.29, 128.88, 139.71, 138.07, 108.67, 133.77, 48.55, 73.25, 46.25, 118.24, 150.68, 62.91, 66.37, 33.36 508.06, 131.53, 147.48, 31.82, 54.63, 16.61, 141.93, 109.39, 185.78, 80.52, 62.39, 21.15, 295.80, 320.49, 340.85, 243.16, 216.41, 200.35, 247.35, 245.13, 338.91, 298.36, 309.85 OP,RAW OP,STAR OP,EXIT OP,POIN OP,EXIT OP,INTI NE,NT,Emin,Emax,TH1_recoil,TH2_recoil E1,E2,E3,... ! energy meshpoints th1,th2,th3,... ! theta meshpoints NP ! number of stopping powers E1,E2,E3,... ! energy meshpoints dE/dx,.... ! stopping powers NI1,NI2 ! number of subdevisions of energy and scattering angle OP,EXIT OP,CORR ! to correct experimental yields OP,EXIT OP,MINI 2100,N_steps, CHILIM, 0.001, 1.1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0.0001 OP,EXIT