write(*,*)'A=' read(*,*)a pi=2.*asin(1.) 1 write(*,*)'Multipolarity=' read(*,*)lam if(lam.eq.0)go to 99 ie=1 if(lam.le.6)go to 2 ie=0 lam=lam-6 2 continue af=9./(lam+3)/(lam+3) aff=a**(2.*lam/3.) fff=.12**(2*lam)/pi 3 write(*,*)'Me (>0 Wu to normal, <0 normal to Wu) ,spin (high)=' read(*,*)xm,xs xs=2.*xs+1. if(xm.eq.0.)go to 1 fac=fff*af*aff/4. if(ie.eq.0)fac=40.*fac/.12/.12/a**.66667 write(*,*)'1Wu=',fac if(xm.lt.0.)go to 4 s=abs(xm*xs*fac) s=sqrt(s) write(*,*)'Me=',s go to 3 4 s=xm*xm/xs s=s/fac write(*,*)'Bl in Wu=',s go to 3 99 continue stop end