GGUS-OSG meeting on routing to ticket routing 4 December 2008

Click on the agenda to follow links to the documents discussed at the meeting!

GGUS - Guenter Grein
CERN - Diana Bosio (CERN ROC), Maria Dimou (LHC Experiment VO supporter)
OSG - Rob Quick , Kyle Anthony Gross , Arvind Gopu
USATLAS - Frederick Luehring

Notes by Maria

The purpose of the meeting was to satisfy LHC experiments' request (so far ATLAS only) to notify US sites (called resources in OSG terms) directly when opening a GGUS ticket.


  1. GGUS shall make available to the ticket submitters (for ALL tickets) the OSG site(==resource) name, taken automatically -update frequency to be decided- from OIM. Here is the OIM view with filter to show only production resources provided by Arvind for: USATLAS and USCMS Guenter, please, let Arvind know if you need XML immediately.
  2. If the submitter selects an OSG site, then GGUS will automatically assign the ticket to the OSG Support Unit. In GGUS terms this means enter the OSG Ticketing System via mailfeed in Thus, we shall bypass the GGUS TPM, hence, the submitter gains time, i.e. one hop less.
  3. The script at the OSG GOC level shall be changed to retrieve the OSG site(==resource) ticketing system entry point and/or contact email and forward the ticket automatically. The good thing is that receipt acknowledgement is automatically fed back into the GGUS ticket, a functionality submitters and fellow supporters will greatly appreciate.
The notification to the OSG site(==resource) will be done automatically, like for sites in GOCDB but the handling will be done by OSG and not GGUS.


Fred expressed the wish to reduce the amount of email notifications a supporter receives by all the ticketing systems involved. Diana explained how GGUS allows a submitter to only be notified on solution and, of course, when a supporter needs more information and sets the ticket in status "Waiting for reply". More details will be discussed offline with Guenter, if needed.