LHC@home online tutorial - 4th rehearsal
Following a talk on MOOCs (the 1st one on page http://indico.cern.ch/e/ITLT-7 with slides and recording linked) where a step-by-step tutorial for LHC@home is mentioned as an example, all IT people related to the project agreed for Karolina to give an online tutorial, screen-shots, video, if needed, etc. as a fort of detailed instructions to link from http://lhcathome.web.cern.ch/ and https://wlcg-ops.web.cern.ch/article/08-2015/join-lhchome-volunteer-computing-project.
This is our 4th rehearsal. It takes place in IT room 31-S-023. Vidyo is available for people to give live comment.The recording room is usually 42-R-402.
Present: Karolina, Pete, Nils, Jacques, Claire, Maria
Camera should show Karolina first with a CERN picture behind and
THEN the web pages and command lines.
No need to type the commands. Rather make slides or tabs with the commands on.
Emphasise the possibilities to configure the CPU parametres so people understand their computer won't be taken over by boinc.
Try to be between 3-5 mins but not more.
cern picture for beginning and end
fabienne marcastel for first and last slide and template
16*9 landscape format for the slide dimension
Pete knows how we can add a slide of the e-learning series later on...
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