An investigation of the HERA combined data at low Q^2 (in session "Section 2")
Closed meeting of the IAC of Low-x2016
CMS-TOTEM results and prospects (in session "Section 6")
Combined QCD and EW fit to full HERA data (in session "Section 1")
Diffractive processes at the LHC within kt -factorization approach (in session "Section 13")
Diphoton production in lead-lead UPC (in session "Section 8")
Dipole model analysis of the new HERA data in low x region (in session "Section 10")
Discussion of QCD aspects of multiboson production measured with the ATLAS detector (in session "Section 3")
Discussion session: Exclusive diffraction (low masses...) (Lucian Harland Lang, Antoni Szczurek, Christophe Royon) (in session "Section 14")
Discussion session: Exclusive diffraction, Photon induced processes, 750 GeV resonance (Lucian Harland Lang, Antoni Szczurek, Christophe Royon) (in session "Section 8")
Discussion session: Hard diffraction (Paul Newman, Marta Ruspa, Tamas Csorgo) (in session "Section 6")
Discussion session: Heavy Ion (in session "Section 10")
Discussion session: Jets, DPS (Katarzyna Wichman, Fernando Navarra, Lech Szymanowski) (in session "Section 16")
Discussion session: QCD fits, low x physics, BFKL (Leszek Motyka, Amanda Cooper-Sarkar, Douglas Ross) (in session "Section 4")
Discussion session: Soft diffraction, UE, total cross section (Paul Newman, Marta Ruspa, Tamás Csörgő) (in session "Section 12")
Discussion with science students of the Berze secondary school (in session "Outreach section")
Double Parton scattering (in session "Section 16")
Drell Yan at low masses/Photon photon production of dileptons (in session "Section 14")
EW fits to HERA inclusive DIS data (in session "Section 15")
Exact Solutions for Observables and Initial Conditions for a Rehadronizing, 3d Expanding Fireball with lattice QCD Equation of State (in session "Section 9")
Exclusive measurements with CMS (in session "Section 7")
Exclusive processes with a leading neutron in e-p collisions (in session "Section 13")
Exclusive production of two and four pions in proton-proton scattering (in session "Section 13")
Feasibility Studies of the Diffractive Bremsstrahlung Measurement at the LHC (in session "Section 5")
Fitting the Discrete BFKL Pomeron to Low-x HERA Data (in session "Section 2")
Forward Proton Detectors and the 750 GeV Resonance (in session "Section 8")
Forward Proton Detectors in Heavy Ion Runs (in session "Section 10")
Gamma Gamma physics at the LHC and the 750 GeV resonance (in session "Section 7")
Gamma-gamma fusion and diphoton resonance production (in session "Section 8")
Hard Probes in QCD (in session "Section 10")
Heavy ion results from CMS (in session "Section 9")
High energy effects in multi-jet production at LHC (in session "Section 16")
Hydrodynamical description of dn/deta and dEt/deta distributions as measured by CMS and TOTEM at 7 and 8 TeV (in session "Section 9")
Impact factors for reggeon gluon transitions at low reggeon momenta (in session "Section 3")
Jet measurements from CMS (in session "Section 15")
Low x 2017 (in session "Section 16")
Low x results from CMS (in session "Section 2")
Low-x SF and rising total cross sections (in session "Section 1")
MC study of diffraction in pp collisions at sqrt(S)=13 TeV with the LHCf detector (in session "Section 14")
Measurement of multijet jet production cross sections, the strong coupling constant alphas and jet properties with the ATLAS detector (in session "Section 4")
Measurement of the inclusive jet, dijet, photon, photon+jet and diphoton production cross sections with the ATLAS detector (in session "Section 1")
Measurements of exclusive dilepton production at 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector (in session "Section 14")
Measurements of inclusive and differential DrellYan cross sections with the ATLAS detector at 7, 8 and 13 TeV (in session "Section 14")
Measurements of the charged particle distributions with the ATLAS detector (in session "Section 13")
Measurements of the production of jets in association with a W or Z boson with the ATLAS detector (in session "Section 11")
Measurements of the underlyingevent properties with the ATLAS detector (in session "Section 12")
Measurements of total inelastic cross section at 13 TeV and the diffractive dijet cross section with the ATLAS detector (in session "Section 11")
Model independent analysis method for the differential cross-section of elastic pp scattering (in session "Section 12")
New results for 4-jet production in double-parton scattering (in session "Section 16")
New results on hard diffraction at HERA (in session "Section 6")
On Lam-Tung relation breaking at the LHC (in session "Section 2")
Photon-induced interactions in the run II at the LHC (in session "Section 7")
Photon-initiated processes with rapidity gaps at the LHC (in session "Section 7")
Precision studies of DrellYan transverse momentum distributions and the polarisation angular coefficients in Z boson production with the ATLAS (in session "Section 15")
Probing BFKL dynamics in Mueller-Navelet jet production at LHC (in session "Section 3")
Prompt neutrino production at high energies (in session "Section 3")
Psi' / psi ratios at HERA (in session "Section 6")
QCD fits with xfitter (in session "Section 2")
Representing LHC and its experiments on Rubik's Cube with a Black Hole (in session "Outreach section")
Scaling properties of the mean multiplicity and pseudorapidity density in e+e-, e-p,pp, pA and AA collisions (in session "Section 9")
Scanning for new heavy states in central exclusive production (in session "Section 5")
Search for a new baryonic state decaying to (p K_S^0) (in session "Section 10")
Soft QCD measurements and diffraction in CMS (in session "Section 5")
The CT-PPS project (in session "Section 5")
The structure of the proton (in session "Outreach section")
TOTEM results (in session "Section 11")
Welcome by the Chair of Low-x and the chair of LOC (in session "Section 1")
Welcome by the Rector of KRF (in session "Section 1")
Include materials from selected contributions