12–17 Jun 2016
University of Ottawa
America/Toronto timezone
Welcome to the 2016 CAP Congress! / Bienvenue au congrès de l'ACP 2016!

Testing Landauer’s Principle in a Feedback Trap

16 Jun 2016, 13:15
SITE G0103 (University of Ottawa)

SITE G0103

University of Ottawa

Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité Condensed Matter and Materials Physics / Physique de la matière condensée et matériaux (DCMMP-DPMCM) R2-5 Quantum Information and Quantum Optics (DCMMP-DAMOPC) / Information quantique et optique quantique (DPMCM-DPAMPC)


John Bechhoefer (Simon Fraser University)


Landauer’s principle, formulated in 1961, postulates that irreversible logical or computational operations such as memory erasure require work, no matter how slowly they are performed. For example, to “reset to one” a one-bit memory requires at least kT ln2 of work, which is dissipated as heat. Bennett and, independently, Penrose later pointed out a link to Maxwell’s demon: Were Landauer’s principle to fail, it would be possible to repeatedly extract work from a heat bath. We report tests of Landauer’s principle in an experimental system consisting of a charged colloidal particle in water. To test stochastic thermodynamic ideas, we create a time-dependent, “virtual” double-well potential via a feedback loop that is much faster than the relaxation time of the particle in the virtual potential. In a first experiment, the probability of “erasure” (resetting to one) is unity, and at long cycle times, we observe that the average work is compatible with kT ln2. In a second, the probability of erasure is zero; the system may end up in two states; and, at long cycle times, the average measured work tends to zero. In individual cycles, the work to erase can be below the Landauer limit, consistent with the Jarzynski equality. Finally, in asymmetric wells, the different well sizes can allow for erasure with an average cost below kT ln2.

Primary author

John Bechhoefer (Simon Fraser University)

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