8–10 Jun 2016
Asia/Bangkok timezone

A new mass scale, implications on black hole evaporation and holography

8 Jun 2016, 14:30
Room Anek

Room Anek

Oral presentaion High Energy and Particle Physics Session IX


Sajuuk E


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We consider a new mass scale $M_{T}=(\hbar^{2}\sqrt{\Lambda}/G)^{1/3}$ constructed from dimensional analysis by using $G$, $\hbar$ and $\Lambda$ and discuss its physical interpretation. Based on the Generalized Uncertainty Relation, a black hole with age comparable to the universe would stop radiating when the mass reaches a new mass scale $M'_{T}=c(\hbar/G^{2}\sqrt{\Lambda})^{1/3}$ at which its temperature corresponds to the mass $M_{T}$. Black hole remnants could have masses ranging from a Planck mass to a trillion kilograms. Holography persists even when the uncertainty relation is modified to the Minimum Length Uncertainty Relation (MLUR). The remnant black hole entropy is proportional to the surface area of the black hole in unit of the Planck area in arbitrary noncompact dimensions.

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