23–27 Jun 2009
Foz do Arelho (Portugal)
Europe/Zurich timezone
This workshop reviews the status of the Jet and Etmiss reconstruction and calibration in the Atlas experiment. The focus of the workshop is to define the calibration and analysis strategies of the 2010 data. Future directions will be discussed. The format of the workshop follows the tradition of the previous workshops with emphasis on discussions. Based on the material submitted, the session conveners will guide the discussion. Overall schedule: * Tuesday 23: Lectures and introductions to QCD, energy reconstruction and hadronic calibration in ATLAS. It is recommended that all people who are not yet familiar with the Atlas hadronic calibration strategies attend these lectures. In particular, students and new-comers are invited. * Wednesday 24: Test-beam, detector performance, local hadron calibration and jet calibration and long term Monte Carlo tuning * Thursday 25: Will be devoted to establish the jet energy scale in the 2010 data * Friday 26: Will discuss the reconstruction and calibration of the missing transverse energy including results from the 2008/9 commisioning data. Also DPD and trigger aspects will be discussed. * Saturday 27: Will summarise the work-shop and discuss future directions. A workshop review panel will work-out and present action items, identify open points and given recommendations. For all pratical information see: https://web.lip.pt/atlas-workshop/index.php The detailed topics and points to be discussed for each session can be found on https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/HadronicCalibrationWorkshop09 Please, submit material directly to the agenda. Look at the Example test session on Wednesday morning 6:00-8:00. The modification password is jetrec
Foz do Arelho (Portugal)