VMC meeting
This meeting will follow-up open issues related to the Virtual Monte Carlo framework.- Meeting URL
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ID: 729828
Items to be still discussed:
1. GEANE issues: status (Andrei), new requirements/plans related to EUSTEP (Mohammad)
2. Volume assemly issues: testing if they still appear in tracking, apply approach that eliminates them from volume path (Mohammad/Ivana)
3. Are reflections with G4root interface still an issue - test+example (if needed) - Mohammad
4. New issues, AOB
The known issues/bugs were moved to:
Minutes from the VMC meeting on 04 Feb 2009
Meeting page: http://indico.cern.ch/event/vmc_feb09
Action: To be investigated with G4 team (Ivana)
Meeting page: http://indico.cern.ch/event/vmc_feb09
- The first thing discussed was related to the implementation of GEANE EUSTEP method in G3-VMC by Mohammad Al-Turany. The Idea is to have the user application called from the user-routine eustep in the same manner as TVirtualMCApplication::Stepping(). This is a nice development that goes along the line of more close integration with G3-VMC. Mohammad proposed to have a new method TVirtualMCApplication::SteppingGEANE() to disttinguish between the application stepping in simulation/tracking. Mohammad will send his proposed changes so they can be integrated.
- Another GEANE-related issue discussed was the previous report by Alessandra Filippi related to an observed reconstructed momentum shift. The point was presented to M.Maire (main author of GEANE) who validated the arguments of her report. Alessandra will send us the patch to ERTRCH
- The list of open issues were discussed and most of them closed. Moved by Ivana to: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/vmc-fixed-problems The only remaining issue from previous meeting is #4 that is also supposed to be fixed starting from ROOT 5.22-00, but this has to be confirmed with usage of more complex setups. If no confirmation of the problem persisting is received, we will close the issue next VMC meeting.
- A new problem was brought up and now is described on #6: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/how-use-virtual-monte-carlo#Problems related to different production of Cerenkov photons G4/G3.
Action: To be investigated with G4 team (Ivana)
- Another new issue was pointed out by Alessandra who suspects some problems in the way how the error covariance matrix is propagated in GEANE
- A new magnetic field interface was recently implemented in ROOT and shortly described in the meeting. For more details, see: http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TVirtualMagField.html This can be used from within VMC or independent of it. To use with VMC, one has to set the field (in the new format) via: gMC->SetMagField(myField)
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