11–15 Jul 2016
University of Stavanger
Europe/Oslo timezone

Lessons from Numerical Holography

15 Jul 2016, 11:45
G-001 (University of Stavanger)


University of Stavanger

Arne Rettedal building
Talk Plenary


Laurence Yaffe (University of Washington)


Gauge/gravity duality (or "holography") allows one to calculate
highly non-trivial far from equilibrium dynamics in strongly coupled
gauge theory --- provided one can solve asymptotically anti-de
Sitter initial value problems in higher dimensional gravity. Recent
results and work in progress in this area will be discussed,
focusing on calculations motivated by the physics of heavy ion
collisions and thermal gauge theories.

Primary author

Laurence Yaffe (University of Washington)


Paul Chesler (Harvard)

Presentation materials

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