How to reach Cosenza

Travelling by airplane

From Lamezia Terme airport (70 km South of Cosenza, on the Thyrrenian Sea), you can reach Cosenza by bus service at the following time table: 06:50 AM, 11:20 AM, 04:20 PM. For more information see here.
Alternatively you can book a
private shuttle service (30€ per person) filling the request clicking one of these two links:

A free shuttle service  from/to the Lamezia Terme airport will be available. If you want to take advantage of this service, please fill out the section "Travel Information" in the registration form.

Travelling by train

The recommended train station is Cosenza. To reach all parts of the city you can take advantage of the taxi service (for reservation please call +39 0984 35345), or the public transport taking  the line bus "BIS 27" (for the schedules click here).

If you come from North, arriving to Paola train station, you can reach Cosenza by:

  • a regional train from Paola to Cosenza train station. For informations and reservation click here.
  • a private shuttle service (20 € per person). For reservation click here and fill out the form in the website.

A free shuttle service  from/to Cosenza train station will be available. If you want take advantage of this service, please fill out the section "Travel Information" in the registration form.

Travelling by car

On free highway A3 Salerno - Reggio Calabria, take the exit COSENZA SUD, direction Cosenza.