After the 5' online tutorial for Linux users with detailed instructions on how-to-join LHC@home, now linked from we are discussing a short publicity video, totally Grand Public to be distributed to all media.
It will contain no technical information. Just attractive pictures and clips from CERN experiments and IT applications and a less than 50 A4-page lines to prompt everyone under the sun to give spare cycles of their computer.
Contributors - alphabetical order:
Claire Bourdarios - ATLAS outreach - text, examples and preparation.
Karolina Bozek - IT - lhcathome student - content provider for related technical tutorials
Maria Dimou - IT e-learning project coordinator - observer - notes
Jacques Fichet - CERN studio director - artistic director, advisor
Laurence Field - IT - requestor
Pete Jones - IT - e-learning project contributor with youtube expertise
Alexandre Racine - MSc student e-learning project - obserser
This summary is a result of work also done after the meeting and discussed offline and in email. Making the LHC@home "artistic propaganda" is a task on which Claire and Jacques are already working (see attached material - text and examples). The IT e-learning project will concentrate on the recording for the lhcathome installation instructions tutorials for Windows and Mac, with special emphasis on installation details and configuration parametres. This is more relevant to the e-learning project Mandate.
Claire and Jacques, please keep e-learning-interest-group at cern dot ch informed. We have a lot to learn and re-use in other IT mini-tutorials aiming at a large public.