TEC Meeting on 02/07/2002


Participants: André Arn, Isabel Bejar-Alonso, Margrit Burry, Sudeshna Datta-Cockerill, Friedmann Eder, Sue Foffano, Michelle Mazerand, Erwin Mosselmans, Linda Orr-Easo, Josi Schinzel, Mauro Taborelli, Davide Vite, Marc Tavlet, Sylvain Weisz


Excused: Enrico Chiaveri, Francois Fluckiger, Andrée Fontbonne, Paula Ribeiro, Alberto Scaramelli, Tony Shave, Peter Sievers, Mick Storr, Myriam Veyrat


1.        AOB and matters arising:

Many divisions ask their DTO for a yearly summary of the training situation. Josi Schinzel asked for the implementation of a standard tool to extract the relevant set of data. Sue Foffano recalled that it is what HRT should provide, however there no information available for external training and no information concerning the budget lines that are used. Friedmann Eder advocated for a centrally prepared set of statistics to help the DTO’s who are not database expert. Sylvain Weisz proposed to prepare a discussion on that subject for the next TEC, so that we can converge on a set of tables and statistics supported by all DTO’s.


2.        New developments of the Management and Communication Programme:

             Sudeshna Datta-Cockerill presented the activity of the Management and Communication Working Group chaired by John Fergusson (see presentation annexed). The WG aims at defining core training for supervisors, section leaders, project leaders and group leaders. The present proposal is a 3 days syllabus on supervision, articulated with a 2 days MAPS related training for line managers or a 2 days Project oriented training for project managers. The 5 days should give an introduction and awareness to the tasks and situations the participants may have to face. A series of additional modules would complete the training on specific M&C techniques. The group leaders would have another 5 days dedicated core training module, but the program will be organised so that participants can pick in the “menu” what they see most suitable for their situation. Another series of additional training modules would allow going thoroughly into different subjects relevant for group leaders and upper managers. The M&C WG is setting up a questionnaire to get feed-back on the existing programme, with a view to identify which elements should be part of the core training and how/when additional or follow up sessions should be added. As soon as it is ready, the questionnaire will be send to the DTO’s for comments. All those who attended at least one M&C course other the past 5 years would fill the questionnaire.

              The M&C WG expects to finalise the proposal in September and to get it endorsed by the Management Board in October. It would then be possible to propose the new syllabus by the end of this year. The DTO’s recalled that the cost of the courses is an important issue. It strongly depends on who is the trainer: we presently need external trainer for project management training, and it raises the cost of these courses. Finding people in-house would certainly be a positive action.


3.        Support for External Training in view to obtain a diploma or a certification:

             Isabel Bejar-Alonso reviewed the new version of the document proposing a procedure to allocate support for external training in view to obtain a diploma or a certification (document available in EDMS at 

http://edms.cern.ch/document/335168/1.3 ).

The previous version was discussed at the TEC meeting and there were questions about how to store the information regarding support allocated in various cases and about confidentiality:

-         BHT cannot, at present, follow up the requests for support of such external training while EDMS provides a temporary solution waiting for the availability of a more complete Human Resources tool.

-         The information contained in the “history file” should be accessible to TEC members only. However, the elimination of the name of the person and of the reference to the division she/he belongs to is also proposed to avoid any confidentiality conflicts. The JTB should decide on this issue.


4.        Next meeting:

The next TEC meeting will take place on Friday, September 27th,from 9h00 to 11h00. Provisional on the agenda:

-         Individual Training Plan;

-         Tables and Statistics for yearly retorts on training activity.


                                                                                                                Sylvain Weisz