minutes of storage EVO conference 2009-02-04 Present: Liverpool: John, Stephen Glasgow: Sam Bristol: Winnie Lancaster: Matt Sheffield: Elena Oxford: Ewan RAL Storage: Brian, Jens (chair+mins) 1. Review of Atlas Jamboree - feedback from Brian Extend "hammer cloud" test. -- 300 jobs to sites analysing AOD -- same files at each site to compare -- there are different issues at different sites * networking topology * power/performance of head node (particularly DPM) * how the file is read, eg lcg-cp All files, or as needed. At Lancaster, it appeared network was bottleneck, plus overloaded head node. Liverpool has a DPM head node with many CPUs but low spec. If Atlas have issues with sites, suggestion that we share with list and discuss: it is often better to have feedback on proposed fixes. Is it possible to tweak jobs while they're running. Opportunistic use at sites: eg IC, Brunel, Cam, QM, RH. Production "just around the corner" Will know more after Chamonix workshop. 2. Status of DPM 1.7.0 Lancaster will be testing it once it's available. Problems with files not having space tokens. In particular dpm-drain, there should be a patch though. Also we can provide a tool which will help matching files that do not have space tokens. Probably not entirely trivial since the database maintains counters. Top priority issues included SL5 support, and fixing dpm-drain. This includes SL5 versions of the RPMs. 4. Quick review of planned agenda for GridPP22 (it was 22 wasn't it). Postponed till next week. 5. AOB [10:00:26] Sam Skipsey Morning. [10:01:33] Stephen Jones joined [10:01:36] Winnie Lacesso joined [10:09:08] Ewan Mac Mahon joined [10:09:25] Pete Gronbech joined [10:09:55] Jens Jensen https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/index.php?go_report=Apply&group=jra1mdw&func=browse&set=custom&msort=0&report_id=100&advsrch=0&category_id=151&assigned_to=0&status_id=1&resolution_id=0&history_search=0&history_field=0&history_event=modified&history_date_dayfd=4&history_date_monthfd=2&history_date_yearfd=2009&chunksz=50&spamscore=5&boxoptionwanted=1#options [10:12:20] Brian Davies joined [10:12:52] Elena Korolkova joined [10:17:37] Elena Korolkova Can you give a reference to a Jamboree web page, please [10:21:20] John Bland we're a little slower than average, but speed isn't everything ;0) [10:25:34] Jens Jensen http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=45393 [10:25:37] Jens Jensen Finally found it! [10:30:27] Elena Korolkova Thanks, Jens [10:32:17] John Bland bye [10:32:22] Winnie Lacesso left [10:32:23] John Bland left [10:32:23] Brian Davies left [10:32:25] Sam Skipsey left [10:32:26] Elena Korolkova left [10:32:29] Pete Gronbech left [10:32:29] Ewan Mac Mahon left [10:32:31] Matthew Doidge left