TEC Meeting on 30/11/2001 Participants: André Arn, Isabel Bejar-Alonso, Margrit Burry, Enrico Chiaveri, Sudeshna Datta-Cockerill, Sue Foffano, Andrée Fontbonne, Alain Guiard-Marigny, Paula Ribeiro, Josi Schinzel, Peter Sievers, Mick Storr, Mauro Taborelli, Marc Tavlet, Sylvain Weisz Excused: Francois Fluckiger, Francoise Fabre, Friedmann Eder, Erwin Moselmans, Linda Orr-Easo, Alberto Scaramelli, Tony Shave, Myriam Veyrat, Davide Vite 1.
Status and Comments on the Training Plan Editor: The prototype Training Plan Editor has been used by about 10 DTOs for a total of 170 entries (plus 280 entries for the PS division only). The comments received indicate that the classification of activities in categories/domains can be misleading; Besides, the training classification also uses categories and domains that are not the same as for the activity classification. We furthermore need to complete and clarify the list of activities and some guidance would be useful. There is also a need to ease the entry of multiple training courses for a single requirement. The demands for a French version and for access protection of the data were also mentioned, but these can come at a later stage of the project. 2.
Advancement of the pilot exercise in the Divisions: SPL: 2 ITP are done, 4 are in process. 3 GL + 2 SL + 2 Staff where contacted, there was no refusal but one person was absent for the exercise. The general feeling is that more information is needed, and that the idea and objectives of this exercise have to be better explained. PS: the MOAS information on training was transferred to the ITP database, thus making 280 entries. LHC: the ITP exercise was presented at the GLM and was well received. The division has to face the problem of a drastic switch of activity as the LHC project reach installation and operation phases. 8 ITP have been filled: 3 in Vacuum group, 2 in Main Magnet group, 1 in Cryogenic group and 2 in Magnet Test group. EP: the timing is bad with lots of turbulence in the division. However, there has been some attempts to use the ITP editor and it is felt that more guidance is needed, in particular for alternate and long term training. It is important that the DTO sits with the person in front of the editor and helps to think about his/her training prospects. There was also a suggestion that the ITP editor could act as a wizard. TIS: the presentation of the project at the GLM received little support from the division and group leaders. Besides, some groups, like the firemen, do not feel concerned at all about the training available at CERN. AS: several people where contacted and felt that, although it is a good idea to look over 3 years, it is quite unrealistic for technical training. 4 ITP have been done and the editor is a helpful tool. People asked for cursus and for clarification about the difference between courses and competencies. Comments, mainly for HR-TD, where added but cannot be retrieved. HR: there was some confusion between the excel version and the ITP editor, and one may modify the order of the columns. 3 ITP are available. SL: the division did a similar exercise with its succession planning, focussing on young people and preparing them for new responsibility. There is a clear need for a tool like the ITP editor, although it may be too difficult to use at a wider scale in its present stage. EST: the excel spreadsheet was send to the group leaders and some section leaders. The project was presented at a GLM and there were a lot of negative reactions. There is obviously a need to clarify the role of an ITP versus the MOAS, and more entries are required for technical training specific to the division. 3 questionnaires have been filled so far. ST: the presentation at the GLM was delayed due to the present crisis and associated search savings. When discussed, the reaction from the group leaders was positive, probably enforced by the support of the division leader. Conclusion: the message must come from the top… 3.
Feed-back from the JTB held November 20th: Sylvain Weisz presented at the JTB a status report on each of the recommendations of the 2001 CERN Training Plan. Most of the discussion was devoted to the implementation of the Divisional Training Plans, it being the first recommendation and the premise of many future actions. The JTB confirmed that a Divisional Training Plan should be the addition of Individual Training Plans and agreed with the approach taken by the WG on computer tool for Individual Training Plan (basic principles to be found in the Summary of the WG meeting held 06/11/2001). However, it re-iterated that training requests must be specified via a top-down approach and this implies that the individual training plans have to be edited by the supervisors. The JTB also realised that the project goes beyond what was originally foreseen: it supported the proposition of the TEC WG but was concerned that the initialisation of ITPs will represent a major workload that must not conflict with the first MAPS exercise. The planning should thus target at the edition of the initial ITPs during the second half of 2002 and the first update procedure to take place in phase with the 2003 MAPS cycle. The JTB identified lines of action for 2002. The following subjects have been retained: - Promotion of Quality Assurance spirit: the methodology of quality assurance need to become a CERN standard and getting people motivated to use such tools is a training issue. - Keep training at the forefront despite (or because of) the budget crisis: restructuring and internal mobility will be key issues to overcome the present crisis. To be successful, these must be accompanied by a training package. - Preservation of the environment: TIS is promoting the introduction of an environment management system that will also involve some training activity. The DTOs asked for the minutes of the JTB meetings, those being helpful to defend the need for training in the division. It is planned to make these minutes available on the WEB, once the new HR site is up and running smoothly. 4.
Progress on Safety Training: Anne Kerhoas issued a list of compulsory safety training at CERN, based on a review of legal requirements for safety training that result either from the CERN code or from the legislation in the host states. She also detailed the actions undertaken to re-organise the basic safety courses for newcomers (15 firemen have been prepared to give these courses) and what she expects to do in the near future for the training of TSOs. The DSO Committee held on November 8th agreed on the constitution of the Safety Training WG as recommended in the CERN Training Plan. Its mandate should cover the review of the safety training programme and a process to organise, enrol and follow-up safety training of the personnel. It will be chaired jointly by Wolfgang Weingarten and Anne Kerhoas, Sylvain Weisz will be the secretary, the members being Gilbert Daems, Claude Jacot, Gabriele Thiede, Alasdair Smith and Michel Vitasse. The WG should meet before the end of 2001. 5. Report of the WG on External Training Support: This working group aim at a standardisation of the support provided by CERN for professional or academic training, followed with the aim to obtain a diploma or a certification. Isabel Bejar-Alonso recalled that the objective is to propose to the TEC: - a procedure to establish the support given by CERN to the student (who, when, how, steps followed in the decision process); - a procedure defining the follow up of the student once the training has been approved (who, when, control points, yearly renewal, completion …); - which domains should be covered by this type of training request, based on an historical file containing previous and present cases at CERN. The working group had several meetings and its minutes are available in Isabel’s public directory that is available with the CERN phone book, clicking on “Home Directory” (the path is Public, then Dto). 6.
AOB This was the last TEC meeting of Alain Guiard-Marigny who is about to retire. Alain devoted a lot of his time promoting training and we warmly thanked him for his effort and enthusiasm, wishing him the best for his future. Some DTOs wanted to propose and discuss new technical trainings: due to the lack of time (and participants drifting away), the revival of the TEC working groups will be addressed at the next meeting. The TEC will continue to meet every last Friday of the month, from 9h00 to 12h00. We will skip December and the next meeting will thus be on January 25th.
Sylvain Weisz