LHC RRB - Overall timetable

LHC RRB Meeting April 2009

LHC Experiments and World LCG Resources Review Boards

Monday, April 27, 2009


Plenary (Council Chamber)

2:00 PM Welcome
Sergio Bertolucci
Minutes of the last meeting
2:10 PM CERN Status and News
Rolf Heuer
2:30 PM LHC Machine Status
Steve Myers
2:55 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
CMS RRB (60/6-015)

28th meeting of CMS RRB

3:30 PM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
3:35 PM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
3:40 PM Status of the experiment, including Financial Plan
Tejinder Virdee (CERN/Imperial College)
CERN-RRB-2009-030 CERN-RRB-2009-031 (slides)
4:20 PM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Dr Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)
4:25 PM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange (CERN)
CERN-RRB-2009-036 CERN-RRB-2009-037 (slides)
Status of Common Fund accounts
Status of M&O accounts
Summary of market survey & tenders
4:35 PM Construction Budgets - Expenditure Report 1995-2008
Achille Petrilli (CERN)
CERN-RRB-2009-032 CERN-RRB-2009-034 (slides)
4:55 PM M&O Budgets
Achille Petrilli (CERN)
Expenditure for 2008
CERN-RRB-2009-033 CERN-RRB-2009-034b (slides)
Preliminary estimates for 2010
5:15 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Computing (60/6-015)

15th meeting of the LHC Computing RRB

9:00 AM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
9:05 AM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
9:10 AM Status of the LCG project
Dr Ian Bird (CERN)
CERN-RRB-2009-039 CERN-RRB-2009-040 (slides)
9:45 AM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Dr Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)
9:55 AM Status of Common Projects Accounts
Thierry Lagrange (CERN)
10:10 AM Report from the C-RSG
D. Espriu (Chairman, C-RSG)
CERN-RRB-2009-067 CERN-RRB-2009-068 (slides)
10:20 AM Status of Resources and Financial Plan
Sue Foffano (CERN)
CERN-RRB-009-045 CERN-RRB-2009-046 (slides) (rev)
10:55 AM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
TOTEM RRB (60/6-015)

4th meeting of TOTEM RRB

11:15 AM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
11:20 AM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
11:25 AM Status of the experiment
Ernst Radermacher
CERN-RRB-2009-058 CERN-RRB-2009-059 (slides)
11:45 AM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Dr Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)
11:50 AM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange (CERN)
12:00 PM Construction & M&O Budgets
Simone Giani (CERN)
CERN-RRB-2009-063 CERN-RRB-2009-064 (slides)
12:30 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
ATLAS RRB (60/6-015)

28th meeting of ATLAS RRB

2:00 PM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
2:05 PM Approval of the minutes of last meeting
2:10 PM Status of the experiment (I)
Marzio Nessi (CERN)
2:30 PM Status of the experiment (II)
Fabiola Gianotti
CERN-RRB-2009-020 CERN-RRB-2009-022 (slides)
3:00 PM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Dr Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)
3:05 PM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange (CERN)
CERN-RRB-2009-027 CERN-RRB-2009-028 (slides)
Status of Common Fund accounts
Status of M&O accounts
Summary of market survey & tenders
3:15 PM Construction Budgets
Markus Nordberg (CERN)
Closing report for 2008; Summary 1995-2008
Towards ATLAS Full Design Luminosity Detector and Beyond
3:45 PM M&O Budgets
Markus Nordberg (CERN)
CERN-RRB-2009-024 (rev) CERN-RRB-2009-025 (slides)
Closing report for 2008
Preliminary estimates for 2010
4:05 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


ALICE RRB (60/6-015)

26th meeting of the ALICE RRB

9:00 AM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
9:05 AM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
9:10 AM Status of the experiment
Juergen Schukraft (CERN)
CERN-RRB-2009-010 CERN-RRB-2009-011 (slides)
9:50 AM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Dr Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)
9:55 AM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange
CERN-RRB-2009-017 CERN-RRB-2009-018 (slides)
Status of Common Fund accounts
Status of M&O accounts
Summary of market survey and tenders
10:25 AM Construction Budgets
Catherine Decosse
CERN-RRB-2009-012 CERN-RRB-2009-013 (slides)
Closing Report for 2008
Preliminary estimates for 2010
Current status for 2009
10:45 AM M&O Budgets
Catherine Decosse
CERN-RRB-2009-014 CERN-RRB-2009-015 (slides)
Closing report for 2008
Preliminary estimates for 2010
11:15 AM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci
LHCb RRB (60/6-015)

22nd meeting of the LHC RRB.

11:30 AM Introduction
Sergio Bertolucci
11:35 AM Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
11:40 AM Status of the experiment
Andrei Golutvin
CERN-RRB-2009-048 CERN-RRB-2009-049 (slides)
12:15 PM LHCC Deliberations (paper only)
Dr Emmanuel Tsesmelis (CERN)
12:20 PM Financial matters
Thierry Lagrange (CERN)
CERN-RRB-2009-051 CERN-RRB-2009-052 (slides)
Status of Common Fund accounts
Status of M&O accounts
Summary of market survey & tenders
12:30 PM Construction Budgets
Olav Ullaland
CERN-RRB-2009-053 CERN-RRB-2009-054 (slides)
Closing report for 2008
Current status for 2009
Preliminary estimates for 2010
12:45 PM M&O Budgets
Olav Ullaland
CERN-RRB-2009-055 CERN-RRB-2009-056 (slides)
Closing report for 2008
Preliminary estimates for 2010
1:00 PM Summary
Sergio Bertolucci