Participant: H Prin (HPN), J Rysti (JRI), G Kirby (GKY), A Foussat (AFT)


CERN Interface meeting MQYY (Q4) , MBRD(D2), MCBYY MCBRD – 2016-05-12


1)     HEX holes position:

2)     Alignment surface features :

3)     Option of 13kA busbars routing on D2 / Interface with correctors

4)     Review of the Layout drawings of D2, Q4 cold mass:

5)     Lifting feature vs. Busbars slots in MCBRD, MCBYY correctors

6)      Mid plane shell welding undercut, limitation on manufacture and field quality

7)      Shell inner diameters of MCBRD, MCBYY correctors

8)     Cold mass Shell dimensions of D2:

9)     Specific alignment feature of MCBRD, MCBYY correctors

10) Standardisation question of inter aperture distances

11) D2 corrector Shielding: