9th APPEC General Assembly

Wednesday 29 June 2016 - 08:30
CERN (60/6-015)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
29 Jun 2016
08:30 Registration, Reception Building 33   (33/R-016)
09:00 Welcome Coffee   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
09:30 Adoption of the agenda   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
09:35 Welcome and short presentation CERN - Eckhard Elsen (CERN)   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
09:45 Approval of the Minutes of the 7th APPEC General Assembly held on Jan 8, 2016 (see doc 03.1)   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
09:50 Check of the GA Action List (see last pages of doc 03.1)   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
09:55 Report from the Chairman   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
10:05 Exploration of possible collaborations APPEC & CERN   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
11:05 --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 Towards the new APPEC Roadmap   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:45 Report from General Secretary   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
14:05 Scientific Advisory Committee   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
14:25 Status ongoing activities   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
14:40 European and global issues   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
15:00 Schools and training   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
15:20 Preparations next GA Meeting   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
15:40 AoB   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
15:50 Closing of the meeting   (60/6-015 - Room Georges Charpak (Room F))
17:00 --- Shuttle transport to the airport ---