Minutes of meeting:

MQYYM Assembly at CERN

Date: 15/06/2016


CEA Saclay/IRFU: H. Felice (HFE)

CERN TE/MSC:  J.C. Perez (JCP), A. Foussat (AFT)

Distribution list: E. Todesco, J.M. Rifflet, D. Simon, M. Segreti

Agenda items

  1. Presentation of the process and equipment for quadrupole collaring by JCP.
  2. Discussion on work distribution between CEA and CERN

Record of meeting

The detail of teh technical discussion is summarized in the file 2016_06_15_technical_dscussion_MQYYM_assembly_CERN_final.pdf uploaded to this meeting.

Besides the technical disucssion, the key point of this meeting is the organsation of the MQYYM which has been decided between CERN and CEA:


1)Répartition du travail entre l’équipe CEA et l’équipe CERN

so far, the list consists in: