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WG1 - VH/VBF conveners meeting



Dear subgroups conveners,
the preparatory meeting of 7-8 july is approaching. As previously announced the purpose of this meeting is to prepare the future of the WG. In particular, new directions, physics opportunities, needs of the Run II and beyond should be identified keeping into account the results obtained so far and collected in the YR4. 
For WG1 we have the full morning of july 7 allocated. We encourage the participation of all of you. Your physical presence at CERN is of course welcome but if you cannot attend in person you are strongly encouraged to participate via vidyo. We would like to organise the schedule as follows: one 30’ slot for each subgroup and 30’ for a general discussion at the end. We thus would like to have one talk of 20’+10’ for each subgroup with a concise summary of the activities carried out so far and of the results obtained. Special emphasis should be given to the recommendations for the experiments in view of the summer conferences and to an outlook for the future.

Please let us know within the next two weeks who can give the talks.

Many thanks,

Best wishes,
Bruce, Massimiliano, Pasquale, Robert

Google doc for VBF/VH matters

Luca will give the talk

  • we will have another meeting at 4pm of the 30th
  • we will collect feedbacks via email prior to this meeting, so that Luca can pre-digest them
  • about the issues to be discussed
    • future prospects of the group: whether we want it alive and why
    • recommendations for summer conferences
    • more cross-talk with other sub-groups
    • use the group as a place where to share information that comes from several sources
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:20
      Roundtable 20m