Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!


The Coseners House

The Coseners House

15-16 Abbey Close, Abingdon OX14 3JD

The 45th Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) Collaboration Meeting will be held at The Coseners House, Abingdon from 28th - 30th July 2016 inclusive

Registration £45.00                                                    Collaboration Dinner £35.00



MICE Collaboration Meeting #45
  • Ajit Kurup
  • Alan Young
  • Beth Long
  • Chris Booth
  • Chris Rogers
  • colin whyte
  • Daniel Kaplan
  • David Neuffer
  • Durga Rajaram
  • Edward Overton
  • Francois Drielsma
  • Henry Nebrensky
  • Holger Witte
  • Jan Greis
  • Janusz Martyniak
  • Jaroslaw Pasternak
  • John Cobb
  • Ken Long
  • Kevin Ronald
  • Ludovico Tortora
  • Mark Palmer
  • Maurizio Bonesini
  • Melissa Uchida
  • Paolo Franchini
  • Paul Hodgson
  • Paul Kyberd
  • Paul Soler
  • Pierrick Hanlet
  • Scott Wilbur
  • Steven Boyd
  • Tanaz Mohayai
  • Timothy Stanley
  • Victoria Blackmore
  • Yingpeng Song
  • Yordan Karadzhov
    • Analysis
      Convener: Chris Rogers (STFC)
    • Construction, commissioning and operations

      Thursday Morning 0900-1030

      Conveners: Steven Boyd (University of Warwick), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
    • Software and Computing

      Thursday Morning 0900 - 10.30

      Convener: Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
      • 5
        MAUS Status
        Speakers: Dr Adam Dobbs (Imperial College London), Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
      • 6
        Tracker Overview
        Speaker: Paul Kyberd (Departm.of Physics(QMW-Coll.))
      • 7
        Global Tracking and PID
        Speaker: Jan Greis
      • 8
        Speaker: Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)
    • 10:30
      Morning Coffee
    • Analysis
      Convener: Chris Rogers (STFC)
    • Construction, commissioning and operations

      Thursday Morning 0900-1030

      Conveners: Steven Boyd (University of Warwick), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
    • Software and Computing

      Thursday Morning 0900 - 10.30

      Convener: Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
    • 12:30
    • Analysis
      Convener: Chris Rogers (STFC)
    • Construction, commissioning and operations

      Thursday Morning 0900-1030

      Conveners: Steven Boyd (University of Warwick), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
    • Software and Computing

      Thursday Morning 0900 - 10.30

    • 15:00
    • Analysis
      Convener: Chris Rogers (STFC)
    • Construction, commissioning and operations

      Thursday Morning 0900-1030

      Conveners: Steven Boyd (University of Warwick), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
    • Software and Computing

      Thursday Morning 0900 - 10.30

      Convener: Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
    • Plenary: Welcome and introduction
      Convener: Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
    • Coffee
    • Plenary: Analysis
      Convener: Chris Rogers (RAL)
    • Lunch
    • Plenary: Analysis, software and computing
      Conveners: Chris Rogers (STFC), Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
    • Coffee
    • Plenary: Construction.
      Convener: colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
      • 37

        PRY/Magnet movement

        Speakers: Jason Stuart Tarrant (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB)), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
      • 38
        RF Cavity Module

        RF cavity module assembly update

        Speaker: Mr Andrew Lambert (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 39
        RF program

        Update on RF project - current status

        Speaker: Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
    • Collaboration Board
      Convener: Chris Booth (University of Sheffield (GB))
    • Collaboration Dinner
      Convener: Debbie Loader (STFC)
    • Plenary: S/w&C, Commissioning and Operations
      Conveners: Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago), Steven Boyd (University of Warwick), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
      • 40
        Focus Coil

        Update on current status of Focus Coil Magnet

        Speaker: John Cobb (Oxford University)
      • 41
        Quench Protection System

        Electrical modifications to SS quench protection system

        Speaker: Trevor Hartnett (S)
      • 42
        Spectrometer Solenoid Quench Detection

        Current status of SS quench detection system

        Speaker: Pierrick Hanlet (Illinois Institute of Technology)
      • 43


    • Coffee
    • Plenary: S/w&C
      Convener: Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
    • Plenary: Summary and closing
      Convener: Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
    • Lunch
    • Executive Board
      Convener: Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))