Despina Hatzifotiadou: ALICE Master Classes' introductory tutorials - Rehearsal 3
What is Physics Master Classes:
Students after morning lectures, run programmes in the afternoon to do measurements. These tutorials are about how to use the software required to do these measurements.
This rehearsal goes through parts 1 & 3 in the series, i.e. theory and practice on V0s, as we have 2 high-school students from the UK, Lucy & Josiah, guests of P.Burkimsher, evaluating the clarity of the content.
Background info and examples Looking for strange particles with ALICE
- Introduction to first part of the exercise : what are strange particles, V0 decays, invariant mass.
- Introduction to second part of the exercise : strangeness enhancement; centrality of lead-lead collisions; explanation of efficiency, yield, background etc
- Demonstration of the software for the 1st part of the exercise - visual identification of V0s
- Demonstration of the software for the 2nd part of the exercise - invariant mass spectra - background subtraction and calculation of number of Kaons, Lambdas, antiLambdas.
This use case was present in the original e-learning project description
This test recording was done with quicktime on Despina's Mac.
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