SSC Workshop "Minutes" The primary purpose of this workshop was to understand the borders between the various SSCs--both vertical (scientific) and horizontal (generic support). It was also to understand the work programs of the core EGI project, application porting support project, and a scientific gateway project to avoid duplicated tasks and effort within the scientific SSC work plans. These "minutes" are intended to be extremely short and only to indicate the main areas where issues may arise. For details on each project, please see the presentations attached to the workshop agenda. Following the presentations, the following topics (in no particular order) were identified as areas needing more discussion. Not all of the points were actually discussed before the session ended. The descriptions contain only the major points that were brought up during each discussion. * Sustainability of tasks/Differing project durations The EC has made it clear that the core EGI operations will not receive additional funding before FP8. This means that the money for EGI operations available in FP7 (25 MEuro) either must be used for a four year project. (Or that EGI becomes entirely self-sustaining after the money runs out.) There is no equivalent problem for the user activities although assuming that there will be future user-oriented calls that are pertinent for the SSCs is a risk. In general the differing lengths of the projects will make the interactions between the projects more difficult. The various SSC projects will discuss if expanding their work plans to four years to match EGI makes sense. However, given the tight funding scenarios it is unlikely that this will happen. In this case, each SSC must seriously consider how to sustain their activities past the end of the currently proposed projects even without additional EC funding. * New Users/Communities and Expanding existing user communities It was pointed out that addition of new users and communities can have a negative impact on sustainability as more resources will be required for support, maintenance, etc. However, the infrastructure must to some extent remain open to new users and new communities and provide services aimed towards them. Dissemination and training are critical for expanding the grid user community. CUE will provide these services for new users and new communities; however, this must be supplemented in parallel with similar efforts within the existing scientific clusters. The results of these efforts are often not seen immediately but over time. * Requirements gathering and general communication flow Clearly the requirements gathering process cannot be done in a scalable manner if all of the SSCs talk with all of the middleware providers. EGI has foreseen a middleware coordination board to act as a central point for facilitate the transfer of information related to software services. It is also important that these mechanisms be open and transparent so that all of the stakeholders can understand how priorities are set and the roadmap is developed. However for detailed technical discussions, it is expected that particular users will work closely with the middleware developers for certain new functionality. * Common concerns (data mgt., usability, ...) There are certain concerns such as data management and usability that appear in many of the SSC's work plans. These concerns are general in nature and it would probably be better if these were coordinated at the EGI level, allowing evolution of the core middleware rather than the development of domain-specific solutions. * Possible overlaps: Scientific Gateways and App. Porting Support Almost all of the scientific SSCs contain tasks related to deploying and maintaining scientific gateways and providing application porting support. These are two areas where it is critical that the overlaps are ironed out to ensure that we take advantange of the resources available. The action to compile a list of "concerns" for each project should help clarify the borders between projects in these areas. * Policies/Procedures/Standards Not significantly discussed. * Planning relations to other proposals/risks on unfunded projects Not significantly discussed. Although the projects were encouraged to make reasonable work plans based on the success of most projects, but also including risks (changes to the work plan) should some of those projects not be funded. To advance, Cal Loomis will ask each of the project coordinators to write up a short description of where the overlaps concern each project. These can then be used to clarify those overlaps and allow us to better prepare for the complex landscape of the EGI era.