30 January 2017 to 1 February 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

IBMs Elastic Storage Server in Synch and Share environments

31 Jan 2017, 09:50
Amsterdam (SURFSara)



Science Park
Site reports Storage technologies


Olaf Weiser (IBM)


The objective of this technical oriented presentation is to share experiences of IBMs Elastic Storage Server in Synch & Share Environments & to give insides of how ESS specific functionalities such as GNR/GPFS Native Raid will have a very positive impact on parallel workloads. If you want to understand how Block-Storage can be integrated into a FileSystem Storage Environment , how to improve the organisation of MetaData, what the RDMAValue Prop for GRID Cluster Environments is and if you finally want to find out the comparison of TCP/IP vs Infiniband RDMA...

Primary author

Olaf Weiser (IBM)

Presentation materials