3–7 Apr 2017
University of Birmingham
Europe/London timezone

EW corrections on top-quark pair production: the impact of the photon PDF

4 Apr 2017, 09:50
West Building Seminar Room 1

West Building Seminar Room 1

WG5) Physics with Heavy Flavours WG5 Physics with Heavy Flavours


Ioannis Tsinikos


I will discuss the impact of EW corrections on differential distributions in top-quark pair production at the LHC and future hadron colliders, focusing on the effects of initial-state photons. Performing a calculation at NLO in QCD+EW accuracy, the impact of photon-initiated channels is investigated in detail, on central values as well as PDF and scale uncertainties at order $\alpha_s\alpha$ and $\alpha^2_s\alpha$. A thorough comparison of results, obtained with the NNPDF2.3QED and CT14QED PDF sets, is performed at 8, 13 and 100 TeV. At 8 TeV there is a further comparison with data from differential measurements performed by ATLAS and CMS. The aforementioned content is based on arXiv:1606.01915 [hep-ph]. Specifically for 13 TeV, new results will be presented at NNLO QCD + NLO EW accuracy using the newest available PDF sets including the photon i.e. the NNPDF3.0QED and the LUXqed PDF sets. This part is based on an ongoing project.

Primary authors

Michal Czakon David Heymes Alexander Mitov Davide Pagani Ioannis Tsinikos Marco Zaro

Presentation materials