Physics in LHC and the Early Universe

from Monday 9 January 2017 (11:00) to Wednesday 11 January 2017 (13:00)
Fukutake Hall, The University of Tokyo (Fukutake Learning Theater)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
9 Jan 2017
10 Jan 2017
11 Jan 2017
11:00 Registration   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
HEAVY PARTICLES (2) (until 10:30) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
09:00 BSM physics landscape after the Higgs discovery - Christophe Grojean (DESY (Hamburg) and ICREA/IFAE (Barcelona))   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
09:45 Using Jets and QCD to Boost the Search for New Physics - Jesse Thaler (MIT)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
10:30 --- Coffee ---
WIMPs (until 12:40) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
11:00 WIMP dark matter - Paolo Gondolo (University of Utah)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
11:40 Indirect Searches for WIMP Dark Matter - Hiroyasu Tajima (Nagoya University)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
12:10 Present and future of direct dark matter searches - Shigetaka Moriyama (The University of Tokyo)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
NEW ALTERNATIVE IDEAS (1) (until 11:00) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
09:00 Electroweak Baryogenesis and Sphaleron at LHC - E Senaha (National Tiwan University)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
09:40 Relaxion for the EW scale hierarchy problem - K Choi (IBS)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
10:20 New Avenues in the Search for Dark Matter - Tomer Volansky (Tel Aviv University (IL))   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
11:00 --- Coffee ---
NEW ALTERNATIVE IDEAS (2) and Closing (until 12:25) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
11:30 Implications of low-scale strings to LHC and the early Universe - I Antoniadis (Bern University)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
12:10 Concluding remarks - Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tohoku University)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
OPENING (until 13:30) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
12:45 Opening remark - Shoji Asai (University of Tokyo (JP))   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
13:00 Current status and future prospects for LHC - Brian Petersen (CERN)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
SPACETIME (until 15:15) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
13:30 Research plan of A02 (theory) : BSM and spacetime - Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tohoku University)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
14:00 Research plan of A01 (exp) : spacetime with SUSY search - Osamu Jinnouchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
14:30 Cornering Natural SUSY at the LHC and Beyond - David Shih (Rutgers University)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
15:15 --- Coffee ---
VACUUM (until 17:30) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
15:45 Research plan of B02 (theory) : EWSB and vacuum with generation - Junji HISANO (Nagoya university)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
16:15 Research plan of B01 (exp) : vacuum and generation with Higgs - Kazunori Hanagaki (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
16:45 A deeper probe of the Higgs sector - Abdelhak Djouadi (LPT Orsay)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
HEAVY PARTICLES (1) (until 18:30) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
17:30 Research plan of C01 (exp) : vacuum and spacetime with top physics - Makoto Tomoto (Nagoya University (JP))   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
18:00 Research plan of C02 (exp) : search for heavy particles - Dr Masaya Ishino (University of Tokyo (JP))   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
19:30 Conference Dinner   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
12:40 --- Lunch ---
NEW PROBEs TO DARK UNIVERSE (until 16:40) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
14:10 Observation of Gravitational Waves - M Ando (The University of Tokyo)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
14:40 Gravitational waves as a probe of physics beyond the standard model - K Nakayama (The University of Tokyo)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
15:20 Production of PBHs in the inflationary universe - M Kawasaki (ICRR, The University of Tokyo)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
16:00 CMB Anomaly and Inflation with Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown - J Soda (Kobe University)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
16:40 --- Coffee ---
CONTRIBUTED TALKS (until 18:50) (Fukutake Learning Theater)
17:10 Review of Dierction-Sensitive Direct Dark Matter Search - Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe University)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
17:30 Interacting Dark Matter and Radiation in Cosmology - Yong Tang (University of Tokyo)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
17:50 Splitting Mass Spectra and Muon g-2 in Higgs-Anomaly Mediation - Norimi Yokozaki (Tohoku University)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)
18:10 Chasing New Physics in Stacks of Soft Tracks - Amit Chakraborty (KEK)   (Fukutake Learning Theater)