Freja Thoresen
Niels Bohr Institute
on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration
July 13, 2019
This talk:
Forward Multiplicity Detector (FMD)
Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
V0 Scintillators
Inner Tracking System (ITS)
How big should a η-gap be?
vn{2,∣Δη∣>x}=⟨⟨2 ⟩⟩
⟨vn(ηa)vn(ηb) ⟩=⟨vn(ηa)⟩⟨vn(ηb)⟩
Figure: Factorization from Pb-Pb 5.02 TeV data.
Figure: Factorization from Pb-Pb 5.02 TeV AMPT w. String Melting.
Figures: Beginning of arrow is differential region, end of arrow is reference region
Figure: Multiplicity densities of charged particles hitting the SPD and FMD in a HIJING simulation with GEANT3 as transport code for 0 − 5% central events.
Secondaries distributed around primaries: P(φ′)=f(φ)∘P(φ)
Observed in the detector: Δφ′=φ1′−φ2
If we know F(f(φ)) we can extract ⟨⟨vn′vn⟩⟩true
Figure: Illustration of smearing in φ by secondary particles
Figure: Distribution of a secondary particle around its primary mother particle. Plots are shifted by a constant.
Figure: Correction values to v2
Figure: vn{2,∣Δη∣>0} as a function of η.
Ordering of harmonics v2>v3>v4
vn increasing from 0 - 40 %
Wide range in η shows vn decreasing as a function of ∣η∣
Figure: vn{2,∣Δη∣>0} as a function of η.
Ordering of harmonics v2>v3>v4
vn increasing from 0 - 40 %
Wide range in η shows vn decreasing as a function of ∣η∣
Figure: v2{2,∣Δη∣>2} and v2{4,∣Δη∣>0} as a function of η.
Figure: v2{2,∣Δη∣>2} and v2{4,∣Δη∣>0} as a function of η.
AMPT has qualitative agreement, but improvements are needed
Future comparisons to 3+1D hydrodynamic calculations:
can constrain the initial state models
study longitudinal dynamics of the created hot and dense matter
Figure: pT differential flow measurements.
Figure: Data points: vn{2},∣Δη∣>0 in Pb-Pb 5.02 TeV.
Boxes: Standard Q-cumulant vn{2} from [ALICE Collaboration,
Phys.Lett. B762 (2016)] in Pb-Pb 2.76 TeV.
Figure: Data points: v2{2},∣Δη∣>2 and v2{4},∣Δη∣>0 in Pb-Pb 5.02 TeV.
Boxes: Standard Q-cumulant v2{2} and v2{4} from [ALICE Collaboration, Phys.Lett. B762 (2016)] in Pb-Pb 2.76 TeV.
Figure: Widths of peaks of the distributions.
Figure: Distribution of a secondary particle around its primary mother particle. Plots are shifted by a constant.
Figure: Correction to v3 for the contamination of secondary particles in the FMD.
Figure: Correction to v3 for the contamination of secondary particles in the FMD.