10–11 Feb 2017
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Pacific timezone

The LHC Theory Initiative is a program of grants to encourage theoretical research projects that will assist the CERN Large Hadron Collider experiments in reaching their full potential.  The LHC Theory Initiative Fellows Meeting gives an opportunity for current and former LHC-TI Fellows to present the work that they have done under this program.  The LHC-TI program is ending, and so this will be the last meeting of the fellows.

Registration is now available! Please register.  If you log into Indico before registering, your registration will automatically be linked to your Indico account.

The meeting will be webcast using BlueJeans.  Here is the dial-in information:

Dial in:   1-888-240-2560

Meeting ID:    644151339

It should also be possible to join the meeting by downloading the BlueJeans software (www.bluejeans.com/) and connecting using the Meeting ID.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Madrone Conference Room (Room 224, Bldg 48)
2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA, 94025

Please find the program at the Timetable link.  The program includes featured talks:

Stefan Hoeche (SLAC) "The state of the art in LHC event simulation"

Francesco Rubbo: (SLAC/ATLAS) "Machine learning for LHC applications"

Kathryn Zurek (LBNL)  "Dark matter theory: current status and detection prospects"

and talks by current and former LHC-TI fellows.



Registration for this event is currently open.