Bayesian optimisation using scikit-optimize

Manoj Kumar

Feb 6, CERN

About me
  • Masters Student at New York University
  • Core developer of sklearn
  • Contributed to Spark and SymPy



All presentation materials:

Bayesian Optimisation


  • A black-box function $f^*(X)$.

  • A predictive model that provides $P(Y | X)$

  • An acquisition function acq(x) that uses $P(Y | X)$.

  • Package(s) that takes care of all of these under the hood!


The goal being to minimize the black-box function $f^*(X)$

Tie all the ingredients together!

  • Call black box $f^*(X)$ $N$ times to obtain $D$ = $(X_1, y_1), (X_2, y_2), ... (X_N, y_N)$

  • For $n$ in $n_{calls}$

    • Fit model to $D$
    • Obtain $X_{c} = \underset{x}{\operatorname{argmin}}$ acq(x)
    • $D$ = concat($D, (X_c, f^*(X_c))$)
  • Return $X_i$ for which $y_i$ is minimum.



A user friendly package that makes bayesian optimisation easy-to-use.


pip(3) install skopt

Black-box function

  • Expensive to evaluate.

  • Noisy to evaluate.

  • Gradients unavailable.

If it does not satisfy any of these conditions, you should be looking at scipy.optimize (gradient-based optimization) and not scikit-optimize (bayesian-optimisation)!

Typical examples.

  • Mean cross-validation score of a deep neural-network on test data
  • Simulation of a collider to get results.
  • Click-through-rate (CTR) for optimizing online advertisement display.
In [3]:
# Our black-box function for today.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from utils import black_box

all_x = np.reshape(np.linspace(0, 6, 100), (-1, 1))
all_f = [black_box(xi) for xi in all_x]
plt.plot(all_x, all_f)

High level usage

import numpy as np

from skopt import gp_minimize
from utils import black_box

# Provide initial points from 5.0 - 6.0, away from the original minimum.
x0 = np.reshape(np.linspace(5.0, 6.0, 10), (-1, 1)).tolist()
y0 = [black_box(xi) for xi in x0]

# Search for minimum from 0.0 - 6.0
dimensions = [[0.0, 6.0],]

# Optimize!
res = gp_minimize(


Let's go one level deeper

from skopt.optimizer import Optimizer
from skopt.learning import GaussianProcessRegressor

# Search from 0.0 to 6.0
dimensions = ((0.0, 6.0),)

# Initialize estimator.
gpr = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=Matern(), noise=0.0)
optimizer = Optimizer(

Tell some points and ask for a point

# Plotting search space with previously seen points, candidate point and acquisition values
from utils import plot_space
from utils import black_box

# As before use points from 5.0 to 6.0
X = np.reshape(np.linspace(5.0, 6.0, 10), (-1, 1)).tolist()
y = [black_box(xi) for xi in X]
optimizer.tell(X, y)
x_cand = optimizer.ask()
y_cand = black_box(x_cand)
plot = plot_space(X, y, optimizer.models[-1], x_cand)

Tell and ask again!

# Tell and ask again.
optimizer.tell(x_cand, y_cand)
X = X + [x_cand]
y = y + [y_cand]
x_cand = optimizer.ask()
y_cand = black_box(x_cand)
plot = plot_space(X, y, optimizer.models[-1], x_cand)

Tell and ask again!

# Tell and ask again.
optimizer.tell(x_cand, y_cand)
X = X + [x_cand]
y = y + [y_cand]
x_cand = optimizer.ask()
y_cand = black_box(x_cand)
plot = plot_space(X, y, optimizer.models[-1], x_cand)

More deeper:

Predictive model

  • Should provide a predictive distribution $P(Y | X)$ at every point.
  • Cheap approximation to the actual function.
  • Provides information about the variance in the function approximation.
  • Examples: Gaussian Processes, Random Forests

Will focus on Gaussian Processes on the rest of this talk, though Random Forests are highly useful when there a high number of categorical variables.

Gaussian Processes - Training

  • Assume the points $D = (X_1, y_1), (X_2, y_2), ... (X_N, y_N)$ are obtained from the black box.

  • Recenter the points $y_i$ such that the mean is zero.

  • Now the assumption is that $y$ forms a multivariate normal distribution.

  • Mean of size $N$ given by the origin.

  • The covariance matrix $K^D$ is computed by a kernel $K$.

  • Each element $K^D_{ij}$ is given by $K(X_i, X_j)$

Gaussian Processes - What to train?

  • Different kernels hold different assumptions about the smoothness of the functions.

  • Available kernels in skopt can be seen here

  • Also, different covariance matrices have different (hyper)parameters.

  • For example, the squared exponential kernel has a different length scale for each dimension.

  • In the sklearn implementation, "best" parameters are obtained by maximizing the log-likelihood on training data

Gaussian Processes - Prediction

  • For new points, the posterior is also multivariate gaussian.

  • This gives not only a prediction but also a probability distribution for every new point.

Code example

# Import necessary stuff
from skopt.learning import GaussianProcessRegressor
from skopt.learning.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF

# Evenly spaced points from 0-6
all_x = np.reshape(np.linspace(0, 6, 100), (-1, 1))
all_f = [black_box(xi) for xi in all_x]
plt.plot(all_x, all_f)

# Fit on only one third of the training data.
X = np.reshape(np.linspace(4, 6, 10), (-1, 1))
y = [black_box(xi) for xi in X]

# Use RBF kernel.
rbf = RBF(length_scale=1.0)
gpr = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=rbf, alpha=1e-12), y)
plt.plot(np.ravel(X), y, "ro", label="True function")

# Predict on all data to obtain uncertainty estimates
y_pred, y_std = gpr.predict(all_x, return_std=True)
all_x_plot = np.ravel(all_x)
upper_bound = y_pred + 1.96*y_std
lower_bound = y_pred - 1.96*y_std

plt.plot(all_x_plot, y_pred, "r--", label="Predictions")
plt.plot(all_x_plot, lower_bound, color="red")
plt.plot(all_x_plot, upper_bound, color="red")
plt.fill_between(all_x_plot, lower_bound, upper_bound, facecolor="lightcoral")

Acquisition functions

  • Combines information about the best values (known) and uncertainty information (unknown).
  • Tradeoff between exploration and exploitation.
  • Popular acquisition functions include LCB(Lower Confidence Bound) and EI(Expected Improvement)

Lower Confidence Bound

  • $A(x) = \mu(x) - \kappa \sigma(x)$
  • $\kappa$ controls exploitation vs exploration

Expected Improvement

  • $A(x) = E_{f(x)}(u(f(x)))$
  • $u(f) = 0$, if $f(x) > f^*$
  • $u(f) = f^* - f$ otherwise
  • Available in closed form!
  • Awards proportional to the amount of improvement over the best value.

Code example

from skopt.acquisition import gaussian_ei
from skopt.acquisition import gaussian_lcb

ei_vals = -gaussian_ei(all_x, gpr, y_opt=np.min(y))
lcb_vals = gaussian_lcb(all_x, gpr)

plt.plot(all_x_plot, ei_vals, "b", label="-EI")
plt.plot(all_x_plot, lcb_vals, "black", label="LCB")

Optimising the acquisition function

  • Calling the acquisition function no longer expensive.
  • Can now be optimised using other techniques.

How does scikit-optimize handle this?

  • Default is multi-start lbfgs.
  • Start points are obtained by the "best" points on a uniform-grid
  • More advanced techniques like entropy-search, DIRECT (soon in skopt)

Any questions?