NP @ 2017

Thursday 29 December 2016 - 09:30
Other Institutes

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
29 Dec 2016
09:30 LFV Higgs decays in low-scale seesaw models: a window to new physics at the LHC - Arganda Ernesto (UNLP)   ()
10:00 TBA - Marcela Carena (Chicago)   ()
10:30 Cores in Dwarf Galaxies from Fermi Repulsion - James Unwin (Chicago)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 Heavy particles in final state as a probe of NP at the LHC - Ezequiel Alvarez (ICAS)   ()
12:00 Are there hints of new physics in the Higgs data ? - Carlos Wagner (Argonne & Chicago)   ()
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
14:00 Panel discussion   ()