Results of the first NaI scintillating calorimeter prototypes by COSINUS

24 Jul 2017, 14:15
Executive Learning Center

Executive Learning Center

Contributed talk New Technologies New Technologies


Dr Florian Reindl (INFN - Sezione di Roma 1)


The COSINUS (Cryogenic Observatory for SIgnals seen in Next-generation Underground Searches) was brought to life to give new insight to the long-standing dark matter claim of the DAMA/LIBRA experiment. To be immune to potential target-material dependencies also COSINUS, as DAMA-LIBRA, uses NaI as target material. Our detectors are cryogenic calorimeters with phonon-light-readout - unique in the field of NaI-based dark matter searches. This experimental approach provides particle discrimination on an event-by-event basis and, therefore, even with a moderate exposure COSINUS will be able to reject or confirm a dark matter - nucleus interaction as the origin of the DAMA/LIBRA signal.
In this talk we present results of the first COSINUS prototypes which, to our knowledge, are the first measurements of NaI crystals as cryogenic calorimeter.

Florian Reindl on behalf of the COSINUS collaboration

Primary author

Dr Florian Reindl (INFN - Sezione di Roma 1)

Presentation materials