Jul 24 – 28, 2017
Other Institutes
Canada/Eastern timezone

SNO+ Calibration Hardware

Not scheduled
Alumni Hall

Alumni Hall

Poster Neutrinos Poster Session


Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)


The SNO+ experiment has a varied neutrino physics program that
includes a neutrino-less double beta decay experiment in addition to
reactor, solar, and geoneutrino measurements. SNO+ uses the
architecture of SNO, using an acrylic vessel filled with scintillator
as its neutrino target suspended in a water volume. At this time data
is being collected with the acrylic vessel filled with water in
preparation for the scintillator phase. An essential component to the
successful execution of this physics program is a calibration of the optical
and energetic response of the detector. Calibrations are underway
using a laser-driven light source and radioactive gas sources, such as
Nitrogen-16, that are to be lowered into the detector vessel on an
umbilical. The position can be manipulated in 1-D using the umbilical
retrieval mechanisms (URM) or in 2-D using ropes to guide the source
off-axis. The sources and drive systems will be presented here with
the goals of the calibration in the context of its impact on the SNO+
physics program.

Primary author

Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)

Presentation materials

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