After five previous successful events since 2012, we are delighted to announce the Summer School on Frontiers in Theoretical Physics and the sixth Huada School on QCD. This time the school will concentrate on the chiral anomaly and strong magnetic fields in heavy-ion collisions. Topics to be covered are:

  • Introduction to chiral anomaly, instanton, and sphaleron in gauge field theory
  • Introduction to anomalous transports: chiral magnetic effect, chiral vortical effect, etc
  • Phenomenology of anomalous transports in heavy-ion collisions
  • Experimental search of the anomalous transports
  • Introduction to chiral kinetic theory
  • QCD matter in strong magnetic field
  • Anomalous transports in condensed matter systems

In addition to the school, there will be also a one-day symposium on May 26th (Friday), providing an opportunity for the participants to present their recent works.

There will be no registration fee, and food will also be covered by the organizers. The total number of participants is expected not to exceed 60. One letter of recommendation from supervisor is required.

At this moment we would like you to save the dates and forward this announcement to your colleagues and students. More information will be posted at the end of February, 2017.

Central China Normal University
152 Luoyu road, Hongshan District, Wuhan 430079, China

Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, lies at the confluence of the Yangzi and Han Rivers, roughly midway between Beijing and Guangzhou. With a 3,500-year-long history, Wuhan is one of the most ancient and civilized metropolitan cities in China. Hubei is the birthplace of the brilliant ancient Chu Culture in China and has the reputation of junction of transportation artery to nine provinces and the land of thousand lakes.