From: Maurizio Vretenar Sent: 04 March 2009 17:52 To: linac4-proj-wpholders-ext (Linac4 WP Holders Extended List); Cecile Noels; Remo Maccaferri Cc: Tadeusz Kurtyka; Lyn Evans; Steve Myers; Paul Collier; Vincent Vuillemin; Frederick Bordry; Maurizio Vretenar; Roland Garoby Subject: Linac4 Project Meeting - Thursday 12.3 Dear colleagues, I would like to invite you to a Linac4 project meeting on Thursday March 12th, at 14:30, in the meeting room 6 2-004 (note unusual day and place!). This invitation is sent to a new list (linac4-proj-wpholders-ext) intended to cover WP Holders and other persons involved in the project. The list is not yet complete, I would like to ask the WP Holders to forward this mail to their colleagues involved in the project and to ask them to subscribe to this mailing list (either directly or sending a mail to Cecile Noels). Agenda of the meeting: 1. Project schedule and budget (M. Vretenar) 2. Templates and procedure for Market Surveys and Calls for Tender (T. Kurtyka) 3. Overview of remaining open points after the Workpackage meetings (R. Maccaferri) 4. AOB With my best regards, Maurizio