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You should be able to follow these lectures (and execute the examples) on your laptop or on Adroit. On Adroit, we will not do salloc to reserve an instance and therefore everyone will work on the head node under the same user account. Use your laptop if you can.

Dependencies (for your laptop)

To follow these lectures and execute the examples, you'll need

  • Jupyter with Python 2.7
  • Scala (for the third notebook)

I recommend installing Jupyter through Miniconda. Follow these instructions to install Miniconda (with Python 2.7, not 3.6!) and then

conda install jupyter

For Scala, we can install a Jupyter-Scala notebook extension and it will get Scala as a dependency.

tar -xzvf v0.4.2.tar.gz
cd jupyter-scala-0.4.2
jupyter console --kernel scala
cd ..

I also use RISE to make the notebook look like slides, but you don't have to.

Starting the notebook (on your laptop)

Get a copy of the repository, either by

git clone

or by

tar -xzvf presented-2017-07-10.tar.gz

Step into this directory and start Jupyter

cd codas-functional-programming*
jupyter notebook

This will open a Jupyter tab in your web browser. In this tab, click on nb1-introduction.ipynb.

Starting the notebook (on Adroit)

In the lecture itself, I should have already started a notebook. In that case, log into Adroit using the username and password you were given, and the following ssh command:

ssh -Llocalhost:54321:localhost:8888 username@password

The "54321" is arbitrary, so pick a different one if your laptop is already using this port.

After ssh is connected, go to your web browser and connect to "localhost:54321" (or whatever port you've forwarded it to). It will prompt you for a password that I'll give you, and then you can click on nb1-introduction.ipynb.