HSE Students Seminar, 14th September 2017
Thursday 14 September 2017 -
Monday 11 September 2017
Tuesday 12 September 2017
Wednesday 13 September 2017
Thursday 14 September 2017
Hexavalent chrome & nickel biomonitoring in electroplating
Annabelle Diaine
Hexavalent chrome & nickel biomonitoring in electroplating
Annabelle Diaine
11:00 - 11:20
Room: 222/R-001
Abstract: The project is an evaluation of exposure to hexavalent chrome and nickel.This evaluation is a biomonitoring by urinary samples of the workers in electroplating Building 102 . It follows the atmosphere control made in 2015. This control showed a low but existent level of nickel and hexavalent chrome in atmosphere. Besides, during 2017- 2018, electroplating activity will be relocated in Building 107 in new premises but with the same technical process. Thus, a biomonitoring is necessary to : -include skin and digestive exposure to hexavalent chrome and nickel (which is not controlled by the atmosphere monitoring) -include individual factors to the exposure -make an evaluation for a “ t 0” to know the impact of the relocation in new premises on the chrome and nickel exposure reporting to the process.
Computational method for assessing the impact of fire incidents in underground installations on the environment
Michael Plagge
Computational method for assessing the impact of fire incidents in underground installations on the environment
Michael Plagge
11:20 - 11:40
Room: 222/R-001
Abstract: A fire incident is widely considered to be an abnormal occurrence. The present talk provides a summary of the current HSE unit approach on how to estimate a radiological impact of a fire incident originating in an underground research facility on the environment. It includes a short discussion on a few related recurring questions, legal aspects of abnormal occurrences (CH), a fire incident-related definition of release to the environment (dose rate to the public) as well as its calculation, taking into account input parameters such as combustion efficiency, smoke transport and smoke dispersion. A computational method is presented for the assessment of smoke transport, based on the author’s PhD research
Sustainability reporting - the GRI approach
Yee Pon Moussy
Sustainability reporting - the GRI approach
Yee Pon Moussy
11:40 - 12:00
Room: 222/R-001
CERN is preparing to issue a public facing environmental impact report, and has chosen to adhere to GRI reporting standards. This presentation will give an overview of the GRI process and its advantages, and how GRI standards will be adopted by CERN to produce a report in 2018.