G4 logo meeting - 30th March 2017 -
Links :
- All designs :
- 4 finalists :
G4AI logo : Geant4MasterLogo-940.jpg
Results :
- 2 votes : #7 #10 #12 #19 #23 #40 #48
Presents: All 7 except Marc (excuse)
- Revise and refine the requirements according to the 59 designs we already have (and don't like)
- Send the revised requirements to the four finalists and ask them to re-submit a logo
- If a suitable logo is received and selected by the committee then put it to the full collaboration for a graded vote (5 intervals) - values less than the mean are counted negative, so logo should be endorsed rather than simply the best of the worst. (last time "vote blanche" was hardly chosen despite a number of dissenters).
General Guidelines
- "G" should be at the same level as "4". Message to pass: Geant4 is the name not Geant Version 4
- Transparent background is fine/better than white. With a box if the background is full
- G4 logo should not look the same as others of our institutionals logos (Ex SLAC? G4 AI...)
Color Scheme:
2/3 colors ? Two many colors are confusing
Finalists :
1 - Stronger colours, tracks are a bit random and invisible on Geant4 one, more 4 to level of rest of text and same size, grey background. Some kind of detector behind. Police a bit too small. Tracks are confusing
2 - Green/blue/brown green is too light, spiral has not link to Geant4 / simulation. Police is fine. Tracks are fine
3 - Some kind of detector behind, fragmented shape will not show up well when small. Spacing on each caracters is a bit too much. Police is a bit square. Tracks are too confusing
4 - No meaning for the geometrical shape, bland colour scheme. Small logo is illisible
Banner size
- Prefer the #56 sizing
- Number 4 finalist is too much square
- compatability with a favicon format
Geometry and tracking ? - no
Radiation simulation toolkit ?
Simulating Reality?
A simulation toolkit ? <=
Simulating Radiations ? - Radiation Simulation or no "s" Radiation(s) simulated ?
- Regroup requierements
- Send the requirements
- Final proposal : Skype meeting with them
Send a mail on finalists on 10th April
Ask the finalists if they want to revise there logo according to your requirements. 4 finalists + a few others (number 56)