______________ Install GAMBIT ______________ wget http://www.hepforge.org/archive/gambit/gambit-1.0.1.tar.gz tar -zxvf gambit-1.0.1.tar.gz cd gambit_1.0-1.0.1 mkdir build cd build cmake .. make diver make multinest cmake .. (Don't forget this!) make -j4 gambit (Takes ~18 minutes for me.) make superiso _______________________________________ For plotting: Install pippi and ctioga2 _______________________________________ make get-pippi sudo apt-get install ctioga2 *or* sudo gem install ctioga2 *or* see http://ctioga2.sourceforge.net/install.html for help _________________________________ Try the GAMBIT diagnostics system _________________________________ ./gambit scanners ./gambit diver ./gambit backends ./gambit SuperIso ______________________ Get the tutorial files ______________________ wget https://indico.cern.ch/event/629037/contributions/2542535/attachments/1522276/2378724/WC_lite.pip wget https://indico.cern.ch/event/629037/contributions/2542535/attachments/1522276/2378751/WC_lite.yaml _________________________ Run scan and check output _________________________ mpiexec -np 2 ./gambit -rf WC_lite.yaml h5ls runs/WC_lite/samples/WC.hdf5/WC pippi/pippi WC_lite.pip less runs/WC_lite/parse/WC.best_all evince runs/WC_lite/plots/WC_7_like1D.pdf evince runs/WC_lite/plots/WC_10_like1D.pdf evince runs/WC_lite/plots/WC_7_10_like2D.pdf ___________________________________ Suggestions for quick things to try ___________________________________ - Run a MultiNest scan. (Plotting the results will require some changes to WC_lite.pip) - Try to abort a scan (ctrl-c and wait...) and afterwards resume it safely by calling GAMBIT *without* the restart flag -r, i.e. ./gambit -f WC_lite.yaml - Use the GAMBIT diagnostics system to figure out which function calculates the b2sll log-likelihood. (Commented out in WC_lite.yaml) Take a look at this function in FlavBit/src/FlavBit.cpp (A fairly clean illustration of a GAMBIT module function.) _______________ Troubleshooting _______________ Can't find Eigen3? ------------------ From build/: cmake -D EIGEN3_INCLUDE_PATH=path/to/include/eigen3 .. make -j4 gambit Trouble compiling something unimportant? ---------------------------------------- From build/: cmake -Ditch="something" .. make -j4 gambit Need to clean up something? --------------------------- From build/: make clean-something Need to get rid of something? ----------------------------- From build/: make nuke-something Need to start from scratch? --------------------------- From build/: make nuke-all cd .. rm -f build Scanner doesn't work? --------------------- Did you remember to do "cmake .." after making your scanner? cd build cmake .. cd .. ./gambit scanners Don't know what something is? ----------------------------- Try asking GAMBIT. ./gambit something ____________ Requirements ____________ GAMBIT is built using the CMake system. The following libraries and packages must be installed prior to configuration: COMPULSORY: - gcc/gfortran 4.7.1 or greater, or icc/ifort 12.1.0 or greater - Python 2.7 or greater (Python 3 is not supported) - Python modules: yaml, os, re, datetime, sys, getopt, shutil and itertools. - Boost 1.41 or greater - GNU Scientific Library (GSL) 1.10 or greater - Eigen 3.1.0 or greater - LAPACK - PKG Config OPTIONAL: - the h5py python module (for use of the hdf5 printer) - MPI (required for parallel sampling) - axel (speeds up downloads of backends and scanners) - graphviz (required for model hierarchy and dependency tree plots) - HDF5 (for use of the hdf5 printer) - ROOT (required for the Delphes detector simulation, or the GreAT scanner from ScannerBit)