Hello and welcome, I’m Alex and this is a tutorial on how to create a CONFERENCE in Indico and define its different components. First of all, make sure that you are in the Indico page and that you are logged in. Once you are logged in, click on the tab “create event”, and click on “create CONFERENCE". The initial steps are similar across indico event creation. Please follow our tutorial on INDICO MEETING, if needed. These general data you'll enter when creating your conference will constitute the OVERVIEW. Click on "Switch to display view" to see what you've done. ==================== ==================== ============ LETS DEFINE THE PROGRAMME NOW =============== First of all, we will need to define the scientific “PROGRAMME” of our conference, Enter the MANAGEMENT interface by clicking at the pencil at the top of the display view page. Then, Click on “Programme”, on your left under “Organisation”. The Program of your conference is divided in different TRACKS. Tracks represent the subject matter of the conference. For example, a first track called “Online computing”, a second track called “Offline computing”, and so on. Click on “Add track“, and select The title of your track, as well as a brief description. Click on “Save” to add your first track. Now, repeat the process for all your tracks. You can drag and drop your tracks and change their order using the grey rectangle at the top of each track. Tracks MUST be defined before opening the Call for Abstracts, so that submitters can choose the track their abstracts belong to. ==================== ==================== ============ LET’S NOW TAKE A LOOK ON HOW TO DEFINE AND OPEN A CALL FOR ABSTRACTS=============== As an event manager who created the event, In order for submitters to effectively start submitting their abstracts, you can click on “Call for Abstracts” on the left banner, under “Organisation”. Click on “Enable module” and you will be directed to your call for abstracts page. On this page, you will be able to define settings related to the types of questions asked during a review of an abstract, select the users who will review the abstracts, officially open the call for abstracts, AND OTHERS. Here at the top we have the scheduling box, which defines WHEN the call for abstracts will be open for submissions, at a given date, or starting right now. BEFORE OPENING THE CALL FOR ABSTRACTS, WE WILL HAVE TO DEFINE THE PARAMETERS BELOW. Here, you can customise the email NOTIFICATION templates to send to the users who submit their abstracts. click on “notifications”, and click on “add new one”. Here you can add what we call a NOTIFICATION RULESET. A ruleset is comprised by a specific email template to send when a rule is matched. for example if aN abstract is SUBMITTED, a certain email notification will be sent. Choose a title for your ruleset, and select the email template that you want, for example “submit”. Then you will have to select a rule, for example “submit”, like your email template. Click on “Add new rule“ and select “submitted”. Click on Save. You can add new rulesets by clicking on “add new one” on this window, FOR EXAMPLE for when a abstract is accepted or rejected. Then you can click on SETTINGS, where you can "CONFIGURE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION”. Write in an ANNOUNCEMENT you want to be displayed when users submit their abstracts. select the options below, such as allowing the selection of multiple tracks, making the track selection mandatory, and so on. If you want to limit the abstract submission to a selected few, you can add a limited number of users in “Authorised submitters”. Scroll down for the instructions box, and insert some tips such as “don’t forget to use proper english”. Click on Save once you’re finished. Then we have Your FIELDS AND TYPES options, where you (as conference event manager) will have to define and add the TYPE of the contributions you allow, such as ORAL, for a talk, or POSTER, for example. Click on Contribution types, “new contribution type” and create a few types, such as POSTER, and ORAL, for example. Click on the abstract fields box, to add new fields tailored to your event, such as a question, or simple text. for example a question like “What is your experiment?”. Click on “Add new field”, and then on “single choice” for a question where you can select only one out of the available options. Enter the question, “What is your experiment?”, and select how your want your question to be displayed, for example with radio buttons, vertically displayed. Select your options, for example, ATLAS, Alice, LHCB, and CMS. Then click on Save, and close the window. Further down, we have REVIEWING options, where you define the questions used in the abstract reviewing process. Click on “ROLES” and in this page, you will be able to add users as reviewers and conveners. Reviewers provide an assessment of the abstract with their review, and They can consult only their own reviews. Conveners can read all reviews in their tracks… ///////// AND, like the EVENT MANAGERS, can act as what we call “JUDGES”, WHO CAN EFFECTIVELY ACCEPT OR REJECT AN ABSTRACT BASED ON THE FEEDBACK LEFT BY THE REVIEWERS //////////// the idea is that YOU CAN HAVE A TEAM OF SPECIALISTS FOR specific tracks, such as “online computing”, one of our track. Click on “Add” under either reviewers or conveners for a selected track (or for “all tracks” at the top), search for existing users, and add them. Click on “save” once you’ve chosen all your roles. CLICK ON “SETTINGS”, AT THE RIGHT OF “ROLES”. HERE YOU, as an event manager, DEFINE A set of questions and the scale for the answers to your questions, FROM 0 TO 5 FOR EXAMPLE. These questions will be used as a guide for the reviewers. below you have certain options such as allowing conveners to accept or reject an abstract, allowing comments in your review page, and allow contributors in the comments. under “review questions”, type in your questions, for example “what is the quality of english?”, Click at the disk icon at your right to save your question and click on “add” if you want to add a new question. for example “what is the quality of the content? Finally, write in some instructions for the reviewers, such as “give a grade from 0 to 5”, and one for the judges, who need to ultimately accept or reject an abstract based on the review, such as “accept or reject the abstract based on the feedback”. Once you have chosen your scale and your question, click on Save at the bottom of the page. Then we have the book of abstracts, a CONFIGURABLE and downloadable document (in pdf) where ONLY the ACCEPTED abstracts will be 'published'. To configure the book of abstracts, click on “settings”. Write additional text that will appear on the document, And select the sorting criteria for the abstracts’ appearance in the book. Click on “Save”. Finally, we have the List of ALL abstracts, which is built automatically once the call for Abstracts is open. You can rearrange this list by clicking on “Manage”. Let’s return on call for Abstracts to the parameters definition page. NOW LET’S OPEN THE CALL FOR ABSTRACTS, YOU CAN CLICK ON SCHEDULE AND SELECT THE START, THE END AND MODIFICATION DEADLINE OF YOUR CALL FOR ABSTRACTS. OTHERWISE, IF YOU WANT TO OPEN IT RIGHT AWAY, SIMPLY CLICK ON “START NOW”. Then SWITCH TO DISPLAY VIEW. ==================== ==================== ============ LETS NOW TAKE A LOOK ON HOW TO SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT =============== NOW ACTING AS A SUBMITTER (a user who submits an abstract), AND NOT AS EVENT MANAGER, CLICK ON “SUBMIT NEW ABSTRACT”. Enter a title ((((The LHC computing grid project for example)))), and the content of your abstract. select its TYPE, lets SAY WE WANT IT TO BE A POSTER, and LET’S ADD the Author of the abstract. Don’t forget to click on “Speaker” on AT LEAST ONE OF YOUR AUTHORS. CHOOSE THE TRACK your abstract belongs to, FOR EXAMPLE "Offline Computing”. AND ANSWER THE QUESTION YOU DEFINED BEFORE , IN OUR CASE, “WHAT is your EXPERIMENT” (FOR EXAMPLE ATLAS, OR CMS, THE ONES WE DEFINED BEFORE). Click on SUBMIT. So now we have an abstract, and if the NOTIFICATION OPTIONS in the call for abstracts have been enabled, the submitter should receive an email notification on successful abstract submission. By clicking on the abstract’s name, The submitter can see if REVIEWERS (normally more than one) left a positive or negative review, and if it has been accepted by a judge. ============ LETS NOW ACT AS AN ABSTRACT REVIEWER =============== ((((((YOU NEED TO RETURN TO THE DISPLAY VIEW AS AN EVENT MANAGER, A REVIEWER)))))) Switching again to a different role, From ABSTRACT SUBMITTER to ONE OF THE REVIEWERS, lets click on the REVIEWER area. We can see the tracks we are a reviewer of, if we hover over the area, we see, in one track, “1 left to review, 1 abstract ”, so we click on the track. Then we see that the abstract is awaiting review, so we click on the abstract’s name. This is the reviewing page we saw before as a user, but now, as a Reviewer, we have the Review option (leaving feedback on the abstract), and a “Judge option” AS EVENT MANAGER, which means that we will be able to effectively accept of reject an abstract based on the various reviews. To leave a review, scroll down the page and Click on REVIEW on the right. Give a grade in number for each question we defined before as EVENT MANAGER. Select the PROPOSAL, for example: ACCEPT, and for which TYPE, for example POSTER. Leave review comments if you want, THEN we click on “submit review“. and the review is submitted. REMEMBER THAT The CONVENERS WE DEFINED BEFORE AS EVENT MANAGERS have privileged access to all reviews in their tracks. ??????????============ LET’S NOW ACT AS AN ABSTRACT JUDGE =============== AS AN EVENT MANAGER, YOU CAN ALSO ACT AS A JUDGE. AS WE SAID, “JUDGES” can decide to EFFECTIVELY accept or reject the abstract based on the REVIEWS AVAILABLE. At the bottom of the Reviewing Area page, you can select your decision, for example “accept”, select the track the abstract will be accepted in, select the type, for example “Oral”. Finally, You can write some additional comments in the comment box, and decide if you want to notify the submitter of your decision. Click on “Judge” to confirm. ============= (((((AS AN EVENT MANAGER))))) ========================== ========== ABSTRACT MANAGEMENT =============== (((Attenzione, per mostrare che si possono giudicare più abstract alla volta, meglio crearne due di abstract!!!!!))) NOW LET’S RETURN TO THE event management PAGE, then click on "Call for Abstracts" on the left banner, under "Organisation" CLICK ON “MANAGE” ON THE RIGHT OF THE LIST OF ABSTRACTS. Depending on my role, I WILL SEE THE list of all abstracts and their status. The options AT THE TOP offer customisation possibilities, where we can decide the display criteria of this list. If you click on the boxes of several abstracts AND you have the privileges, you may JUDGE several at once., More options are offered on the same line, for example to export the selected abstacts in various document formats (pdf, excell, etc.) ============= (((((AS AN EVENT MANAGER))))) ========================== ==================== ==================== ========== LET’S NOW TAKE A LOOK AT HOW TO CREATE REGISTRATION FORMS =============== In order to access the registration management pages to be able to customise the registration form, CLICK ON REGISTRATION on the left banner. FIRST OF ALL, WE WILL NEED TO ENABLE PAYMENTS ON THIS PAGE, YOU CAN SEE THAT THE PAYMENTS ARE DISABLED. TO CHANGE THIS, SIMPLY CLICK ON “ENABLE PAYMENTS”, AND CONFIRM. ONCE IT’S ENABLED, A BUTTON CALLED “PAYMENTS” WILL APPEAR ON THE LEFT BANNER. CLICK ON THE PAYMENTS BUTTON. HERE YOU HAVE SEVERAL PAYMENT OPTIONS AVAILABLE you need to click on ONE OF THE PAYMENTS OPTION to enable it. for example click on the “bank transfer” option. HERE YOU WILL HAVE TO SELECT “ENABLE”, AND INSERT THE IBAN CODE REQUIRED FOR THE PAYMENT (????????????????????). YOU CAN DO THE SAME FOR OTHER OPTIONS SUCH AS PAYPAL, USING THE PAYPAL ID YOU NEED FOR YOUR PAYMENT. ================================ LET’S NOW RETURN TO OUR REGISTRATION PAGE, BY CLICKING ON “REGISTRATION”, ON THE LEFT BANNER. The registration module contains several configuration options. THE MOST IMPORTANT one, IS the CREATE FORM!... CLICK ON this button. Give a name to your registration form. HERE THERE ARE A FEW OPTIONS, BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT IS THE MODERATION WORKFLOW OPTION. As a conference event manager I select the option: MODERATED. THIS MEANS THAT The MANAGER HAS TO APPROVE any user registration first. Here, it is important to select the "registration MODIFICATION ALLOWED" option, because of the ELECTRONIC PAYMENT FEATURES. It is wise to allow modifications only until the payment or simply say “NEVER”. This is because change of 'settings' after payment may entail change of the total due amount. THEN, IN PRICE OPTIONS, select the currency and enter the fee. Further down you may configure notification headers and text for emails to be sent to the registrants and to the event managers. Click SAVE when you are finished! AT THE RIGHT OF the “REGISTRATION FORM” row, CLICK ON “CONFIGURE”. There is A FORM BY DEFAULT. YOU CAN ADD SECTIONS TO THIS FORM, by clicking on "ADD NEW" at the top and then "SECTION". For example:"ACCOMMODATION", click on "ADD". THEN CLICK ON THE “+” SIGN, in your section and select the "accomodation" option. ON CAPTION, WRITE “ACCOMMODATION”. go to “configuration” on the left banner, and select a few dates available. THEN GO TO “EDIT ACCOMODATIONS“ ON THE LEFT BANNER. The DEFAULT OPTION is 'no accomodation', BUT YOU CAN ADD more. CLICK ON “ADD NEW ACCOMODATION“. FOR EXAMPLE “CERN HOSTEL“, enter the room price and places' limit. AND THEN CLICK ON “ADD”. REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN ADD ALL SORTS OF FIELDS. BY CLICKING ON THE “+” signs of the sections defined. THE SECTIONS ARE DRAG AND DROP! THEN CLICK ON “BACK” at THE BOTTOM of the page on the RIGHT. ============ AS AN EVENT MANAGER ====== ============ LET’S NOW LOOK ON HOW TO MANAGE INVITATIONS =============== From the event management page, click on "MANAGE" on the 'Invitations' row. Here a list of people that will receive an email invitation to the event can be defined. The email will contain a link to the indico registration form for the event. They either accept or decline the invitation. Click on invite, you can either invite indico users, or non existing users. Search and add the users you want to invite. ((((((show multiple users being selected))))) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IF YOU WANT TO ACCEPT THE REGISTRATION OF THE USERS YOU SEND THE INVITATIONS TO RIGHT AWAY WITHOUT THE NEED FOR A CONFIRMATION First, you can select “Yes”, on “Skip moderation”. CLICK ON “SEND” ONCE YOU’RE FINISHED. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return to the registration page, by clicking on “REGISTRATION” on the left banner. CLICK ON “MANAGE”, NEAR “REGISTRATIONS”, at THE BOTTOM. CLICK ON START NOW, in order to OPEN the REGISTRATION PROCESS. THEN SWITCH TO DISPLAY VIEW. ==================== (((((END OF REGISTRATIONS' CONFIGURATION))))) ============= ============== (((((AS A USER))))) ====================================== ============== LET’S NOW SEE HOW YOU CAN REGISTER OR APPLY AS A CANDIDATE PARTICIPANT =================== NOW, as a user, candidate conference participant, WE WILL place a REGISTRATION,,,,,,,, OR an APPLICATION, depending on whether participation to the event is MODERATED or not. On the Event Overview page, CLICK APPLY NOW. The user will fill out the form, for example, in our case, THE CERN HOSTEL for accomodation, the ARRIVAL and the departure date. CLICK ON APPLY once you’re finished. HERE WE SEE THE REGISTRATION IS AWATING APPROVAL. This is because we have enabled the MODERATION option at the beginning, which means that a manager will have to approve the registration first. ============ ((((AS AN EVENT MANAGER))))) ============= ============== Let’s now Approve applications as an event manager =================== SWITCHING TO A DIFFERENT ROLE AGAIN, FROM APPLICANT TO EVENT MANAGER. click at the pencil at the top to return to your management page. THEN, CLICK ON REGISTRATION AT THE LEFT BANNER, under organisation, AND AS A MANAGER, CLICK ON “REGISTRATIONS”. See the STILL PENDING REGISTRATION. SIMPLY CLICK ON THE NAME OF THE applicant, AND CLICK ON APPROVE TO APPROVE THE REGISTRATION. ((((((TEMPORARY BLACK SCREEN)))))) (((((AS A USER))))) Once the EVENT MANAGER HAS APPROVED THE APPLICATION. THE USER WILL BE ABLE TO PLACE THE PAYMENT. AS A USER, ON THE PAGE THAT WILL APPEAR AFTER HAVING FILLED THE APPLICATION FORM, A CHECKOUT BUTTON WILL APPEAR AT THE BOTTOM. You will be directed to a page where you will be able to pay with the options enabled, in our case, Bank Transfer and Paypal. ==================== ==================== ==================LET’S NOW LOOK AT HOW YOU CAN CUSTOMISE THE LAYOUT OF YOUR INDICO PAGES============================= You can customise the layout of your Indico pages, while in MANAGEMENT mode, BY CLICKING ON “LAYOUT”, UNDER THE TAB “CUSTOMISATION”. Under the “GENERAL” Section, you have a few options available, such as the possibility to enable search on your pages, among others. Then, under the “HEADER STYLE” section, You can click on the box and select the colours you want for your text, and for the background of your Indico pages. …Under the “ANNOUNCEMENT” Section, you can write in text for an announcement and enable it below the title. Under the “Timetable” Section, you can change your Indico theme Style, you can decide whether you want to group your entries in your timetable by room, and you can choose to always show a more detailed view of the timetable as a default. Then, in the “THEME” Section, you can select one of the available default colours as your Theme for your indicO pages. Otherwise, you can upload a CSS file with your code, so you will be able to COMPLETELY customise your pages. Finally, you can upload a logo for your event, click on “choose from your computer” or drag and drop the file in the corresponding area to do so. ==================== ==================== ==============LET’S NOW TAKE A LOOK ON HOW TO CUSTOMISE YOUR MENU IN INDICO======= You can customise the appearance of your Indico Menus, by clicking on “MENU”, UNDER THE TAB “CUSTOMISATION”, while on management mode. Select “Yes” on the right so that you can start customising the menus on your pages. Here you can click on the eye icon to show or stop showing a particular BLOCK. then you can drag and drop the BLOCK to change their order, and you can click on the pencil to edit the titles of the menu blocks. To add another block to your menus you can click “Add an entry”, THEN ON EITHER “Add link”, or “Add page”. For example, you can add a page titled “accommodation” where you will show some photos of the hostel where participants of the conference can stay, and so on. You can also add a spacer that will separate two blocks, like this… Click on “Switch to display view” to see the changes to your menu that you just made. ==================== ==================== =================LET’S NOW TAKE A LOOK AT EVENT REMINDERS AND CALENDARING TOOLS================ TO CREATE A REMINDER FOR YOUR EVENTS, While in Edit mode, click on “reminders” on the left banner under organisation. Click on “add reminder”. Here you can decide if you want to send your reminder after a few hours or days from the start of your event, if you want your reminder to be sent at a fixed date and time, or if you want to send it immediately, you can check the box “”participants” if you want the reminder to be sent to everybody who participates to the event, and you can type the emails in the address box, write one email per line, no separators are allowed. select the available senders, and write the message that you want to include in the email. you can decide to include the agenda of the event in the email by checking the “include agenda” box, click on save when you are finished. ==LET’S NOW SEE HOW TO IMPOR CALENDARING TOOLS== On display view, you can click at the calendar icon at he top of your page. On the window that appears, you can download a file that you can open with your calendaring tools. (SHOW HOW YOU DO THIS, CLICK ON THE FILE AND SHOW THE CALENDARING TOOLS THAT SHOW THE EVENT). Alternatively, you have two URLs, the first for the information that is only publicly available, and the second one that contains protected information as well. you can copy one of the URLs, SO THAT YOU CAN IMPORT IT IN YOUR CALENDARING TOOLS. /In your calendaring tools, click on “File” and then on “new calendar subscription”. Paste your URL, select a title and click on “OK”./ Importing the event in your calendaring tools using this URL, as opposed to the downloadable file, will make sure that any subsequent changes to your event will be periodically updated. ——