Hello and welcome, I’m Alex and this is a tutorial on how to create a Survey in Indico. First you will have to create an indico EVENT that matches your needs (meeting or lecture or conference). To learn how to do this, please follow our relevant tutorials. On your event Management page, select "SURVEYS", which is under “Organization” on the left banner. Now you can click on “Create Survey” to start the Survey creation process. Choose a title for your survey, for example "Online tutorial evaluation survey" and fill the introduction box with some text you want to be shown as a description, for example:"Please answer some questions about this tutorial". Then you can decide whether you want your survey to be filled anonymously or not, if you want to put a limit on the number of submissions accepted, if you want to make the survey public or reserved for a selected few, and whether you allow a partial completion of the survey, Finally, decide whether you want to enable email notifications related to the survey. If you select “yes”, then type in the email addresses of the users who will receive these notifications in the appropriate boxes, the first box for when the survey starts, and the second one for each time the survey is filled by a participant. Just write one email per line, no separators are accepted. When you are finished, click on “Save”. == Now we will need to start creating the ACTUAL QUESTIONNAIRE == To do this, click on “Manage”, and then on “Prepare questionnaire”. In this page, you can either import an existing questionnaire, or create a new one all together. You may also add sections to your questionnaire. Sections contain questions and questions will show up within the corresponding section, except for those in the "standalone section", which will show up at the top level. For each question, you can choose a different MODALITY, such as multiple choice, a yes or no answer, and so on. == Let’s now create a new SECTION, by clicking on “Add section”. == Decide whether you want a standard section, or a standalone section, meaning a section whose questions show up at the top level. Type in the title of your section, for example "Usefulness" and a brief description "How useful is this tutorial?" Click on “Save” and the section will be displayed. Time to add some items to your section. You can click on “add text item” if your want to include an item that only contains your informative text. Otherwise you can add one of the actual questions that the survey participant will have to answer. Click on “add text item”, and write "Welcome! Please answer this question" in the box. Click on “Save” in order to show the text item in your section. Click on the tab “Add QUESTION” and select the question modality that suits your needs. Let’s add a “Single choice” question to our section. This means that the user will be able to select only ONE from the available options. Type the question in the title box,for example "Will you use indico to make your own survey?" and add an additional description if you need to, for example: "Select one of the candidate answers below", then indicate whether you want the answer to this question to be required in order for the survey to be effectively submitted. Select whether you want your options to be displayed as radio buttons or a dropdown list. If you choose radio buttons, indicate whether you want them displayed horizontally or vertically. Type in the options that you want your participant to choose from, for example, 'yes', 'no, 'maybe' and click on Save once you are finished. Now that you have created your Section, you can change the order of presentation of your question and item. To do this, you can drag your question or item by using the grey rectangle that will appear on the left. You can do the same with your entire section, by dragging it using the grey rectangle at the top. Once you’re finished creating the sections of the questionnaire, you are ready to open it! Click on “Surveys” to the left. Now, click on “Manage”, you will be able to decide when the survey can be submitted and when it will be open. On this page, click on “Schedule”, and select the date and hour of the day when your survey can be submitted, and when it will close. Alternatively, you can simply Click on “Open now”, so that anybody will be able to fill out the survey right away. Click on “switch to display view”, and then on “Fill out” on the RIGHT, to access the survey. As a user, you can fill out the survey and submit your answers. As an event manager, once some users have filled out the survey, you can check the results of the survey. To do this, click at the pencil at the top of your screen to return to the management page of your event. Then click on “Surveys”, and then on “Manage”. At the bottom of the page you can see the users who already filled out the survey. You can export the data by clicking on “export”, and you can click on “Results” to show the graphs that illustrate the percentage of the user’s answers for each item. =======FINAL SLIDE======= !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SMILE SMILE SMILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, you created your first survey in Indico. Thank you for your attention, and see you in the next tutorial.