Hello and welcome, I’m Alex and this is a tutorial on how to book a room at CERN using Indico. We’ll first look at how to book a room if you already know its location. Then we will look at how to book a room you only know the name of and how to book a room based on certain basic criteria. Then. we will look at how to search for an available room based on more specific criteria. First of all, let’s look at how to book a room if you already know its location. On the Indico main page… After having made sure that you are logged in… Click on “Room booking”. In this page you can see the CERN map. you can scroll to zoom in for a more detailed view. The red markers you see on the map indicate the buildings where the room you are looking for is supposed to be located in. If you are able to locate the building your room is in, simply click on the red marker, and select the room you want to book. click on “book” and you will be able to see additional details about the room, such as an image, of the room, the number of seats, and whether the room is equipped with videoconferencing for example. IF you have the rights to book the room you selected, you should be able to see this “Booking Time & date” page, with a calendar where you can easily choose the dates you want. If you want to book the room for only one day, simply click on the date you want by choosing the correct month (show months switching) and day. You will also have to choose the time interval you want to book, for example 1 pm to 3 pm. If instead you want to book a room for several consecutive days, weeks, or months, click on “Daily, Weekly, or monthly” near “Frequency”. Below you will see a preview of the availability of the current day. The green bar you lets you know where you can book your room, and other bars of other colours will show you when other users have booked the same room. Select whether you want to use the room for yourself of if you are booking the room for someone else, and write down your reason for booking the room. Finally, if the room is equipped with videoconferencing, select whether you plan to use this equipment or not. Click on Create bookings, once you are finished. If someone else has already booked this room on days you selected, you will be able to resolve these “conflicts”, by clicking on “conflicts”. Let’s now look at how to book a room you only know the name of and how to book a room based on certain basic criteria return to your “room booking page”. Then click on “Book a room” If you know the name of the room you are looking for, search for it and select it. You can use some filters if you want your room to contain certain equipment, such as videoconference, Webcast, Projector, or whether it is a public room. For example, let’s look for rooms that have Videoconference, and a projector. Now only the rooms that have this equipment will appear. Then choose your booking time and date information as before. And when you’re finished, click “continue”. Check if there are conflicts between your date and other user’s bookings, and if there are, go back and change the date. If you have several days worth of bookings and there are conflicts in only a few dates, you can still book the room for the dates that are available and the days where there is a conflict will be simply discarted. Click on the green bar to book the room for that date. Just as before, Select whether you want to use the room for yourself of if you are booking the room for someone else, and write down your reason for booking the room. once you are finished, click on “create booking”. Let’s now look at how to search for an available room based on more specific criteria. You can also search for a room based on more specific criteria. For this, click on “Search rooms” under “Search”. Write in some room details, such as the person responsible at CERN, or some equipment, if you have some of these informations. Otherwise leave it blank. Choose the availability, for example “available”, and decide the time period you want. Choose the number of seats you want the room to have, and then select the criteria that you want from the extensive list, for example let’s suppose we want VIDEO CONFERENCE WITH VIDYO AND WEBCASTING OR RECORDING. Simply click “Search” once you’re finished and the next page will show you a list of the rooms that match your criteria. click on “view” for more details about the room, or click on “book”, and you will be directed to the page that allows you to book the room, just like we have seen before. ANOTHER type of search you can do is searching the bookings instead of the room based on certain criteria. To do this, click on “Search bookings“. This allows you to look at the bookings other users have made for a specific time window and for a SPECIFIC ROOM. If you want to Look at all the bookings for a specific DAY for ALL the rooms, simply click on “Calendar” at the left of the page. Congratulations, now you are able to book a room at CERN using Indico. Should you have any questions, please contact service-desk@cern.ch. Thank you for your attention, and see you in the next tutorial.