23–27 Oct 2017
Havana, Cuba
America/Havana timezone

Simulation with GEANT4 of a new imaging Gamma-ray Compton Backscattering device

24 Oct 2017, 13:30
Room “Fernando Portuondo”

Room “Fernando Portuondo”

Parallel Talk Nuclear Analytical Techniques and Applications in Art, Archeology, Environment, Energy, Space and Security Parallel Sessions - NAT


Mr David Camilo Flechas Garcia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)


A novel imaging device is proposed based on the gamma-backscattering technique described in Refs. [1,2], developed at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) and modified by the Nuclear Physics Group at National University in Bogotá, which has been successfully tested by observation of concealed objects behind metallic walls, inspection of metallic structures and localization of buried objects [3,4]. The camera comprises essentially a positron source, a backscattering detector and a position detector that determines the direction of correlated 511 keV gamma-rays used to inspect the object. The backscattered gamma-rays are detected with a Compton Camera, following a design presented in Ref. [5], which provides additional information on the position where the scattering process occurs. In order to evaluate the imaging capabilities of the new camera a simulation was developed using the GEANT4 [6] simulation toolkit. In this work, a description and characterization of the new device is presented. Simulated results suggest already methods to improve the position resolution of the camera, which has been applied to study defects presented in corroded metallic structures.

  1. J. Gerl, F. Ameil, I. Kojouharov and A. Surowiec, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 525, 328-331 (2004).
  2. E. Fajardo, M.F. Nader, F. Cristancho and J. Gerl, AIP Conf. Proc., 1265, 449-450 (2010).
  3. D. Flechas, L. Sarmiento, F. Cristancho and E. Fajardo, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser., 27, 1460152 (2014).
  4. D. Flechas, L. Sarmiento, F. Cristancho and E. Fajardo, Proceedings of Science (XLASNPA), 058, 1-8 (2014).
  5. R.W. Todd, J.M. Nightingale and D.B. Everett, Nature 251, 132 (1974).
  6. S. Agostinelli, et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 506, 250-303 (2003).

This work was supported in part by Universidad Nacional de Colombia DIB 13440 and Colciencias 110152128824.

Primary authors

Mr David Camilo Flechas Garcia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) Prof. Fernando Cristancho Mejía (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

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