A Scientific Journey from Wakefields to Astrophysics and Fusion : A Symposium in Honor of Toshiki Tajima
January 25th-26th, 2018 the Laser High Field community will celebrate the 70th birthday of one of its founders, mentor and inventor, Professor Toshiki Tajima. This rennaissance man with boundless imagination has been the driving force in building connections among the domains of ultrafast optics, plasma physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics.
But his most acclaimed contribution has been the invention with John Dawson in 1979 of Laser Wakefield Acceleration (LWA). The same concept was extended to electron and proton beams, few years later by P. Chen, J. Dawson, R.WW Huff, T Katsouleas.
Today, using Toshiki Tajima invention, hundreds of groups and thousands of researchers worldwide carry the hope to revolutionize high-energy physics beyond today’s existing frontiers.
Happy 70th Birthday, Toshi!!!
Celebrating the Scientific Accomplishments of Toshiki Tajima
Organizing Committee :
Chairs :
- Prof. Gerard Mourou, IZEST Director, Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Co-Chairs :
- Prof. Michl Binderbauer, TAE Technologies, CA, USA
- Prof. Zhihong Lin, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCI
Members :
- Prof. Christopher Barty, LLNL, Livermore, CA, USA
- Prof. James Bullock, Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCI
- Prof. Pisin Chen, LeCosPA, Taipei, Taiwan
- Prof. Ken Jenda, Dean, School of Physical Sciences, UCI
- Prof. Yoshiaki Kato, GPI President & The Laser Society of Japan President, Japan
- Prof. Peter Taborek, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCI
Secretaries :
- Debbie Margarit, TAE Technologies, CA, USA
- Catherine Sarrazin, IZEST, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
- Jan Strudwick, The University of California, Irvine, Department of Physics & Astronomy.
A. J. Shaka
Ales Necas
Alexander Litvak
Anatoly Muchnikov
Bedros Afeyan
Bill Heidbrink
Calvin Lau
Catherine Sarrazin
Chandrashekhar Joshi
Christopher Barty
Daniel Fulton
Dante Roa
Deano Farinella
Dmitri Ryutov
Donald Umstadter
Eric Esarey
farhad daghighian
Ferenc Raksi
franck leibreich
Franklin Dollar
Frederick(Rick) Mako
Fuyuhiko Tamanoi
Félicie Albert
Gerard Mourou
Gregory Benford
Hank Sobel
Herbert Berk
Hunter Allison
Jacques BIOT
James Benford
James Bullock
James Koga
jean claude KIEFFER
jean-christophe chanteloup
Jian Bao
John Cobb
John Samuelson
Jonathan Wheeler
Joshua Tanner
Kaleb Hatfield
Katherine Mackey
Kazuo Tanaka
Keiichi Handa
Kevork Abazajian
Lei Shi
Leigh Winfrey
Liming Chen
Lothar Schmitz
Luke Stagner
Marco Onofri
Marianne Shin
Mark Lewis
Masaaki Yamada
Masaki Kando
Matthew Stanfield
Michael Seggebruch
Michelle Langland
Mike Campbell
Mike Downer
Nat Fisch
Nicholas Beier
Peter Taborek
Pisin Chen
Richard Magee
Richard Sydora
Robert Byer
Robert Hunter, Jr.
Roger McWilliams
Ruxin Li
Sahel Hakimi
Salvatore Atzeni
sam taimourzadeh
Samuel Oliveira
Scott Nicks
Sean Dettrick
Seiichiro Yoshioka
Shaul Mukamel
Shigefumi Okada
Stepan Bulanov
sydney Gales
Tadafumi Matsumoto
Tam Nguyen
Todd Ditmire
Tom O'Neil
Toru Fujinami
Toru Tamiya
Toshikazu Ebisuzaki
Toshiki Tajima
Wendell Horton
Wenlu Zhang
Xueqing Yan
Yoonwoo Hwang
Yoshiaki Kato
Yuxin Leng
Zheng Gong
Zhihong Lin