Castor external operation phone conference

31/2-029 (CERN)



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Giuseppe Lo Presti (CERN)

Phone conference for external institutes interested in CASTOR operations.

For vidyo see below. From CERN, use:
CERN Phone: 71400
Extension 109294129#

    • 11:30 12:00
      Round Table 30m

      Presents: Rob, George, Miguel, Giuseppe


      • CASTOR versions status:
        • SRMs on 2.1.16-10.
        • 2.1.16-13 on all LHC instances + Gen.
        • 2.1.15-20 for the facilities instance, using xrootd and RFIO. Users are aware that RFIO is deprecated.
        • 2.1.16-0 on the tape servers.
      • SRM issue with double-slashes: worked around for now with a PL/SQL procedure resurrected from the old DB. We have now a ticket in Jira at CERN and as a similar issue (without crashes) was seen with FTS, it will be further investigated.
      • Gridftp errors seen end of June: if it happens again, we'll look into the details.
      • Q about LTO support: CASTOR will support LTO drives once they will be considered for purchase at CERN instead of the Oracle drives.
      • Still observing memory leaks on the transfermanager daemons. Confirmed at CERN. To be further investigated, RAL is available to give access if this helps the investigations.


      • LHC Technical Stop last week: all instances upgraded to 2.1.16-19. Hopefully last patch release of the 2.1.16 series, unless urgent/critical needs.
      • Upgrade to CentOS 7 campaign: well advanced after having sorted out a number of 'exotic' issues. Over 50% of the CASTOR diskservers run on CentOS 7. Next is one headnode per instance.
      • The docker container for Ceph is ready but not yet deployed.
      • Tape Recommended Access Order (RAO) is going to be implemented in CASTOR. It will be available on 2.1.17-x / CentOS 7. Target (TBC) is the next LHC Technical Stop in mid September.
      • Q about recent issues with xrootd transfers from tape servers: not seen any longer, following the latest xrootd releases, which do include a number of specific fixes. We run now xrootd 4.6.1-1 everywhere.


      Next phone conference: August 22nd.