Recent Progress and Perspectives in Silicon Photomultiplieres.
Significant progress has been achieved in the development of silicon photomultipliers during the last 3–5 years. Devices with large active area (>5×5 mm^2), high photon detection efficiency (50–60% for blue/green light), low optical cross-talk (<0.1%), fast timing (<100 ps FWHM for single photons) and small temperature coefficient (<0.3%/°C) have been successfully produced. This presentation reviews the latest developments in silicon photomultipliers, discusses the SiPM properties and problems and gives a (speculative) outlook on their future evolution. Special attention is paid to new developments in the field of radiation-hard SiPMs. Applications of these devices for high energy physics and astroparticle experiments will be also discussed.
Burkhard Schmidt (EP-DT)